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Skyline - Houston, Texas

Thursday, February 22, 2007

From Marty on the Homefront

Here's an article about a fellow member of Military Families Speak Out. Her son is suffering from severe PTSD and is being re-called to go back to Iraq for the third time. She is on a mission to prevent that from happening to her son and to others... Her name is Tina Richards. Her son is Cloy Richards.
Excerpted from Comments of above site:

Kudos! (4+ / 0-)
Recommended by:
karendc, MH in PA, Silence is Complicity, AllDemsOnBoard
Congress Critters must be contacted. In person (whenever possible - but from out here in the dingtoolies that's not normally practical since they're in DC most of the time), by email, phone, FAX. Keep their inboxes full, their answering machines full - all with 'end the war, de-fund the war, bring the troops home NOW, close Gitmo, stop torture' and 'IMPEACH' messages to the appropriate Congress Critters. Let them know you've read the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Geneva Conventions, US law (title 18 relating to war crimes, specifically), MCA '06 which gave Georgie dictatorial power and took away habeas corpus, that you understand what you're reading, and you know Georgie and Dickie and their ilk have committed war crimes with the invasion of Iraq, the torture and imprisonment of people at Gitmo and elsewhere, and that's grounds for IMPEACHMENT, that you want our rights and privileges restored to us, that MCA '06, the Patriot Acts, both AUMFs, and additions to FISA need to be repealed - virtually everything shoved through Congress since the SCOTUS decision of Dec. 2000 needs to be repealed in the same short amount of time Georgie shoved it all through Congress on an up or down vote. (Oh, and yes, do read those documents so you have a perfect understanding of what you're talking about and can speak or write with authority; they are amazing pieces, written in elementary English, they are easily understood and quoted, and easily found with Google searches.)
Conyers and others in the House had impeachment papers drawn up a long time ago and McKinney did introduce impeachment before she was voted out of office, although the House in the 109th voted it down, of course. Several states have already passed impeachment proceedings. It's only Pelosi who refuses to put impeachment on the table, which is why nothing is happening in the House to even begin the process. She needs to be contacted. I'd prefer she be forced to acknowledge Georgie's war crimes and brought to realize that IMPEACHMENT is best for this country - preferably BEFORE Georgie has a chance to order another illegal war crime by attacking Iran.
Don't forget Lamestream Media, specifically local Lamestream Media. When local people see other local people on the news, that carries a heavy message. Some in-state stations have what passes for 'political commentators' (they don't get national attention, but people who watch those channels do see and hear what they have to say, even if it's skewed politics as usual) and some in-state TV stations have neoCon owners who espouse only the neoCon stance, so their news is always slanted. Flooding their inboxes isn't a half-bad idea if only to get them to devote five or ten seconds of an opposing viewpoint now and then. Even if one only tunes in to in-state media to get the weather report, occasionally one may be able to hear those passing references to other opinions and that can make a difference. Contacting national Lamestream Media poli-yak shows is advisable, too, because it lets them know that there are other viewpoints out there besides the neoCon 'more war is peace' message.
Rallies and marches and demonstrations are difficult to do in the snow. Jan. 27 was one of those rare days that cooperated with the demonstrators in DC and elsewhere, but we have to face the fact that winter hampers public gatherings, so until the weather warms up outdoor activities may be difficult most of the time (global warming and record-setting warm winters aside, we're expecting about ten inches of snow by this weekend where I live, so weather realities must be dealt with).
It would be nice to think that there wouldn't be any need for demonstrations once the weather improves, but I'm afraid it will be necessary to have peace rallies the moment the weather improves enough that cold and snow and blizzards won't hamper peace efforts.
Thanks for being one of the faces in DC to represent those of us who can't get to our legislators in person! When next you see the people you mentioned in your dKos diary, please give them a giant hug of support from me while you're at it. You are all heroes in my book...!!!
by NonnyO on Wed Feb 21, 2007 at 06:42:21 AM PST


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