Is There Nothing They Won't Stoop To?
By now you know how fond I am of Zay N. Smith of the Chicago Sun-Times. Usually he lightens my day with his quirky squibs that I never see anywhere else. It's the first newspaper I open in the morning. My hometown paper comes in second.
This is neither light nor quirky.
From Quick Takes today:
Former Army Lt. William Redbrook of Charleston, West Va., on having to pay the Army $700 for body armor that was destroyed when he was seriously injured by a roadside bomb in Iraq:
"They said that I owed them $700. It was like, 'Thank you for your service, now here's the bill for $700.' I had to pay for it if I wanted to get on with my life."
An anti-war group raised funds to pay for the armor the moment the story was out.
You understand how it is with these groups.
Probably did it to undermine troop morale.
At Friday, February 10, 2006 1:44:00 PM ,
Granny said...
My son just got shafted by the Army he has served so faithfully. When I can take a deep breath, I'm writing my Congressman He's just introduced a bill in the House supporting the National Guard.
He probably can't do anything about an individual case but he needs to know what's happening. By now we're almost on a first name basis.
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