I AM ANTI-WAR, except in instances where it is essential to protect our nation, as in WWI and WWII. I do not believe in war as a means of forcing our political system on other nations, as Communist Russia attempted (and succeeded ) in forcing their political system on other nations.It is hypocritical of our government to send America's citizens to be maimed and die to defend a foreign people against a cruel, tyrannical regime, when at the same time our government supports equally cruel and tyrannical regimes, enabling them to further oppress their people and wage war against their neighbors. It is hypocritical and illegal for major businesses in our country, with approval of our government, to sell war materials to foreign nations then condemn those nations if they use the materials against us.
I AM PRO-MILITARY, as I believe that having a strong military force is necessary to protect our nation. Without it, we would be as lambs before the ravening wolves or hyenas of the world, slavering greedily and in hate to seize this juicy prize. Since the inception of this country as a nation, our people have fought to preserve the Union, to preserve and protect our country and our freedoms. History proves that nations without a strong military presence have always been attacked and usually conquered by a stronger, predatory force. But having a strong military does not give us license to bully weaker nations. Grenada, for instance, was an embarrassing ,if not downright shameful event that should have been handled diplomatically; was the mouse going to roar at the lion?
I AM PRO-SUPPORTIVE OF OUR TROOPS, no matter whether or not I approve of the mission they are ordered to embark on. I may disagree with governmental policies concerning the war, police action, or whatever, but first, last and always I support our military men and women sent to carry out those orders. And who stand ready to defend our country, our people, our freedoms and our way of life. I support our present military members and all those veterans of past conflicts, regardless of the support or condemnation of the public regarding the conflicts.
I did not agree with our government's policy about the Vietnam War but I fiercely support and defend the troops that served there. I think it is a national shame that so many of them were treated so disgracefully by some of our citizens. And I believe it is a national shame that our government now cuts health benefits to the survivors of past conflicts - WWII veterans on down to the present. It is as if they are being told, "Oh yes, you served us loyally then, but what have you done for us lately?"
Our aged WWII veterans are dying at an estimated rate of 1,000 a day. They, and their younger comrades-in-arms who served in later conflicts, are being deprived of many of the promised benefits. Some suffer the debilitating effects of an aging body, or old injuries and ills contracted during their service worsen with passing years; injuries that they once were able to cope with become crippling as they grow older. As their health and income declines, our
government decreases their benefits! As they become more vulnerable and less able to meet their needs, assistance is curtailed. The media trumpets with bold headlines the abuse of suspected terrorists, (and this should be reported), the abusive neglect of our war veterans is confined to a tiny, one column wide, three inch comment on back pages, and perhaps,
perhaps, one or two sentences on TV news.
Wake up, media, trumpet THIS!! I read a pathetic, bleeding heart news article of how the terrorist suspects were not given food to their liking. Given food that violates their religious principles is a valid complaint, but some complaints were ridiculous. How about some pathetic, bleeding heart articles about how our own people, our veterans, are being mistreated, how at the most vulnerable time of their lives, aid is being decreased. Medical care for them is of much greater importance than prisoners disliking their menus.
After the Vietnam War an anomalous number of those veterans began developing cancers of all kinds. An unusual number of Vietnam veterans' children were born with birth defects of various sorts. Agent Orange was suspected of being the causative factor. The government blandly denied it. Eventually it was a proven fact that Agent Orange was a carcinagen, and it was a fact that many military members were exposed to that defoliant in Vietnam. The blame battle raged on and on and on as these young men died from the cancers and many of their children grew up handicapped or in ill health from their birth defects. Eventually the suit against the makers of Agent Orange was settled, a class action suit that netted little for the victims. Did our government ever accept any share of the responsibility?
When a Vietnam veteran of my family went to the VA hospital complaining of an ailment he believed to be caused by Agent Orange, he was flatly told: Prove it. How could he, a blue collar working man, prove his ailment was Agent Orange related? Treatment denied. (He was not a part of the suit against the manufacturers of Agent Orange).
Now comes our veterans of the Gulf War, suffering from so-called inexplicable, varied ailments diagnosed as or called the catch-all term "Gulf War Syndrome". As Yogi said, "it's deja vu all over again." Experts disagree; some say it is not valid, others say it is. And our government drags its feet. Yet these men and women suffer, nevertheless. Another Agent Orange disgrace? How long, Oh Lord........!
A future Now?? Once again we have our military in huge numbers in the same location and conditions as were the Gulf War combatants. Must they look forward to the same fate as their Vietnam War and Gulf War comrades endured and continue to suffer?
People speak out loudly and demonstrate against the abuses of terrorist suspects, and it is right to oppose abuse by our people. Yet, where are the loud voices, where are the demonstrations to speak out for our veterans, to oppose cuts in their health care, to demand resolution to their chronic ailments of unknown etiology.We spend billions on this war, billions in foreign aid, billions on all sorts of programs, including no small amount on pork barreling, how about some of that to spend on re-instating all of the veterans' benefits and on research to discover the causative factor and treatment of Gulf War Syndrome. And how about some to spend on government pensions to thos Guf War Syndrome sufferers who have been too disabled to work and must depend on state welfare programs or the paltry SSI benefits.
How about our government recognize Gulf War Syndrome as a valid ailment? American veterans are not the only ones suffering; so are many of the veterans from other nations that fought in that war. Is it "psychological" in
all the veterans from all nations?SUPPORT OUR TROOPS. Do more than display a flag or a ribbon. Speak out, demonstrate, write your elected representatives. Write the President. RAISE HELL!! They go through hell for us. *************************************************************************************Links to information about Agent Orange effects :http://www.bearlakemichigan.com/ao2.htmlhttp://injuryboard.com/view.cfm/Topic=972For more info, set your search engines to 'how many veterans of Vietnam War suffered from Agent Orange' and read site after site.Links to information about Gulf War Syndrome:http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/gulf/appendix/syndrome.htmlAnd if you really want to get shocked and angry, whether you believe it or not:http://www.all-natural.com/riley.htmlThis is not the first time I've read allegations of this sort but it is the first with such detailed accusations.For more info, set your search engines to 'how many veterans of the Gulf War suffer from Gulf War Syndrome' and read site after site. **********************************************************************************
Anyonne interested in accessing blogswritten by members of our military forces, link to:
www.mudvillegazette.com, a clearinghouse of information on military blogging. The site belongs to a veteran called Greyhawk. Click on his home page for a history and the nature of his blog. In the text aare blue highlighted naames to click on to access military personnel's blogs, and also listed in the sidebar.
I suggest clicking on Hero at the top of the page and reading about a soldier who was a hero in the Vietnam War and was a hero who gave his life as a civilian saving others when the Twin Towers were attacked. His heroism in 'Nam is depicted in the movie "We Were Soldiers".
Troops who blog are a cross section of America, as diverse as are the rest of us, and their opinions are equally diverse. Some of the bloggers are a little rough, reflecting barracks language, but they give a personal view of the war, their experiences, and feelings that isn't covered by the media.
Military personnel, veterans, and some family members may register their blogs with Greyhawk. Read his site for further information.