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Skyline - Houston, Texas

Thursday, September 07, 2006

UN highlights plight of human migrants

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UN highlights plight of human migrants

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Modern slavery, the Brain Drain, the Youth Drain, and Further Impoverishment of Developing Nations

Western women have made advancements in achieving equality and personal freedom. This is not true in developing countries where women are often still treated as chattel, second class citizens, unequal to males in value, abused and exploited. Their desperation to improve their lot and/or provide for their families makes them vulnerable to the lying blandishments of slave traders. Slavery is alive and well in these modern times.

Young people are the future of every race. The young of developing nations who manage to obtain an education and valuable professional skills tend to migrate to Western countries, creating a brain drain in their native land. The undeveloped nation is robbed of an important resource and its growth and advancement is inhibited. The money these young people send home helps their families survive but does little or nothing to upgrade the status of their country. Plus, the billions sent to foreign countries every year are monies deducted from the US economy.

Since I became a member of the new poor and was thrust into the "System," I have noted how many foreigners are employed by the governmental bodies involved in medicine and social services. Many are of African or Asian origins. I observe these young people and wonder, 1). were there no US citizens qualified to fill these jobs? and 2). how much benefit could they be to their native lands had they returned there; how could they have helped their own countrymen?

Migrants such as these are not to be confused with those migrants from well developed modern countries with tremendous natural resources who fail in their policies to care for and create employment their working poor.( A category which the United States is joining.) Migrants from these countries all too often are exploited in a near- slave status, and many women are trapped in a full-slave status. Peonage and slavery is alive and well, even in America.


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