Is America Burning - a Forum To Discuss Issues

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Skyline - Houston, Texas

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


This post wanders a little off-subject but I had to rave a little.

Bush is completely sure of the rightness (or righteousness) of his "cause" and will not be dissuaded by any one nor by common sense evaluation of the facts. A person who believes that he is charged by God to do a certain task or to bring about certain conditions is dangerous, for he sees only his "holy anointing" and his reality is not the reality of other people. Who is to say that a person's assertion that "God told me" is in fact a spiritual experience or the fanatical imaginings of a disordered mind? How many times have psychotics committed heinous crimes, claiming "God told me to do it"?

Because Bush's handlers and aides pander to him or allow him free rein in order that he bring their own goals to fruition, it isn't likely that he will waver in his aim to attack Iran. It seems that he truly believes that the Iraq debacle has been a success. It is essential to the goal of controlling the world's oil resources in order to becom e the Imperial Power of the World; Big Oil, the Industrial Complex, and giant financial world powers profit greatly from war. And Bush's fantasy is changing Iran's regime as his legacy to history.

There is another troublesome factor to consider: overpopulation. It has been determined that the world's resources are finite. An excess population uses up too much of the ever more scarce resources. An ideal population is a strong, healthy work force in numbers suitable for performing necessary labors and to maintain ideal breeding levels. Wars , famines, and diseases effectively rid the world of a certain percentage of excess populations. If these measures do not reduce the populations sufficiently, it is rumored there are other means available.
POPULATION CONTROL: (two best) courtesy of Adam at I found him on Action Now's comments and checked him out. He's a youngster from the UK. (mass culling??)
Several others at:

Iraq, as an example, has lost between 100,000 and 250,000 of her civilian population in this war alone (according to some human rights organizations and contrary to the US Government estimation of 30,000). Their healthy breeding stock has been diminshed by the radiation poisoning by DUs during the Gulf War and now this one. The increased numbers of deformed and non-viable infants indicate genetic damage, and what has it done to the children's ovaries and sperm ; cancer and leukemia has skyrocketed. These numbers will increase in time, as it takes 4.50 billion years for the half life of this radiation. We will probably never know the number that have perished from starvation or from diseases due to lack of sanitation facilities and clean water.

Control of the Middle East and other oil rich nations is imperative to maintain control of the all important oil and maintaining the dollar as the world's financial currency. Already Bush makes preparation to unleash the dogs of war on Venezuela, starting the anti-Chavez propaganda, setting war ships patrolling the coast and sending troops to the Dominican Republic as an advance post. Even as he raises the specter of war over Iran, he rattles sabers at Venezuela. How many wars can America front at once? How many of our children have to die or be maimed? How many innocent civilians have to suffer also, and how many nations destroyed?
In the case of Venezuela, he might not engage in overt war, but allow Rumsfield and Cheney's old tried and true tactics of having the CIA instigate divide and conquer exercises- pit the citizens against each other with death squads and other hate factors.

Congress is the only entity that could have reined Bush in but they yielded so much power to him that now they are virtually impotent. Many writers and journalists believe that we shall have another "9/11", probably of a lesser degree, in order to frighten the American public into backing Bush on another war. But even if the citizens do not, it isn't likely that he will be deterred.

Some of these same writers and others fear that some sort of emergency, manufactured or serendipitous, will come about to give Bush an excuse to declare Martial Law and cancel the 2008 presidential election, thus leaving him as president past his term and as an excuse to control the citizens. Not all systems for control are yet fully in place but under Martial Law they could be forcibly implemented.

People knowledgeable about WWII, Hitler, Nazism, and Fascism ask why and how did the German people allow a psycho like Hitler to seize so much power. Well, Folks, now we know -- we've done the same thing, as Bush has followed Hitler's blueprint to seize control of the US. Despots have used much the same tactics for hundreds of years; it works well, so they use it.


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