Finally A Link That Works - Liberals and Racism
The link will take you to granny insanity (the granny who isn't Ann) and in turn to firedoglake who reprinted this essay from The News Blog.
We don't have to agree with every word but it's worth reading.
We don't have to agree with every word but it's worth reading.
At Saturday, April 08, 2006 12:42:00 PM ,
granny said...
Wow Granny,
The back story there is that we have a Nazi running for congress in Montana.
I didn't link it up because I wasn't sure which link to use, but this is a really good one:
At Saturday, April 08, 2006 7:19:00 PM ,
Granny said...
Thanks for the clarification granny - I didn't know about the Nazi running for Congress.
It isn't just Montana. The Southern Poverty Law Center tracks hate groups. The map of California is dotted with them.
granny (aka Ann)
At Sunday, April 09, 2006 9:57:00 PM ,
Action Now said...
Why not a Nazi? The hate group neo-Nazis are proliferating throughout America - and again, why not? Our elected representatives in Congress and our president ascribe to many nazi fascist principles; the Christian Reconstructionists (very widespread in Washington and with great influence) ascribe to a totalitarian, theocratic government AND RETURNING THE SONS OF HAM (African descent) TO SLAVERY!!
My take on the illegal immigration issue? I don't object to the "race" per se, as I have Native American ancestry and there are a number of Hispanic-Americans married into my family. What I object to is that modern "immigrants" the illegals, are not the same breed of previous immigrants. Many of the current ones are political radicals in concert with President Fox to "re-take" America through sheer numbers, involvement in politics, and getting laws passed favorable to Mexico - in other words, an unarmed invasion of conquest. They are aided and abetted by Bush and other One World Globalists who want to eliminate national borders. I object to the One World project and I object to a foreign nation taking control of my country.
Years ago a Latina activist stated, "we will take America back through the marriage bed" meaning through sheer numbers. They are doing it. They outbreed us, and their country has a multitude of population to send over here. A modern activist says that we "whites" are a dying breed, we do not have babies anymore, and our time is past, we must go. Some advocate deporting all whites back to Europe, as they claim this land mass as their own (with a very distorted view of past history, asserting that all North American and Canadian indigenous peoples were of "Aztec" race). Other radical groups "only" want to "re-take" Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California as ther own.
By their so-called logic and considering the history of conquest and migrating populations, many nations would have to deport tremendous masses of their people - England would have to deport everyone not of Celtic ancestry, for example - and if we went back far enough, everyone on earth would have to give over their lands to the Africans. Does that make sense??
About as much sense as their assertions. Many of these activists pay lip service to non-racisism and non-violence, yet their literature is packed with anti-white hate messages, and with hints of violence to come, "by any means necessary",to accomplish their goals.
Don't believe me? I can give you urls to their OWN WEBSITES. I have dealt personally with a few myself. Racism of any kind is repugnant, no matter who is exercising it.
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