17 Slime Ball Perverts - WOMEN TEACHERS Molesting Students
Perverts to the left of us. Perverts to the right of us. Perverts in the news. In the post below a slimeball pervert sexually abused a little dog. I recommended hanging him by his yingyang and a friend suggested whacking his weenie. But what do we suggest for WOMEN who molest our CHILDREN, the youngest victim was TWELVE years old! ?? I know what I would have done if it happened to one of mine when they were minors, but then I'd have been the one going to jail.
It's a good thing old Worried is gone for the holidays with her family or she might delete this subject. But she's not here, I'm posting in her absence, so I'm spreading the word about perverts in our schools. Have "the talk" with your kiddos and teeners.
17 slimeballs=click arrows to forward slide show. If an advertisement blanks out a page, just click on "close" for the blank page and slideshow will resume.

Mary Kay Letourneau Redux?
(Courtesy Allegany County Criminal Investigation Unit)
Labels: women perverts
...and where are the 'hottie teachers' in this group? What a sad homely lookin' bunch of educators--not at all what horny 13 Y.O. boys fantisize about. Makes you really question the intelligence/taste/sanity of today's youth.
(Please don't hate me. I know it's a serious subject, but I just had to...)
Saturday, November 29, 2008 4:38:00 PM
Hi! our multicolored frog! GLAD to see him back as avatar. Old Worried will be tickled pink. She oughta be back soon from family holiday.
I've had a bit of experience rearing pubescent/teen boys and You were one once. So you know that when the hormones start to rage and an experienced woman puts the blast on such a boy, the hormones win no matter what she looks like. 2 were actually real pretty so you wonder what their problem was to make them mess with kids when they could have easily got MEN! Sicko perverts!
Hate You? Snark? Remember your motto: "A day without snark is a day without sunshine". Hell fire. Old Worried, Granny and I luv u!!
Saturday, November 29, 2008 9:26:00 PM
What Gadfly said!!
Saturday, November 29, 2008 9:38:00 PM
November 29, 2008 9:38:00 PM
I'm gonna get banged for this, just as sure as God made hormones. but fortunately I'm no longer a virgin. Where to start.....
Teachers have so many more expectations placed on them now than they did 20-30 years ago. It's much easier to cost a teacher his/her job with allegations not yet proven fact, in this politically correct climate. Teachers are more underpaid than ever, leading many of the best to quit the profession, and "lesser" capable persons fill their shoes, as school boards desperate to just put somebody in the classroom, take what they can get, due to the long financial drought they've been in.
Much of what is euphemistically called "kids" are High School age going on thirty. Their parent(s) is in jail, their home is a gang infested drug house, and the best meal (and often only) they eat of the day is in the HS cafeteria.
They latch on to anybody that shows they care, mistaking concern for caresses. Take second and third rate Teachers, many of whom have so many psychological problems they shouldn't be around kids at all, MUCH less in a position of authority, add one starved for any sign of affection "kid" and the end result is inevitable. Lonely hormone + unstable hormone = sexual activity. Then too, there is the plain old never changing 15-18 yr old teen "so horny I'd fuck a rusty keyhole", and some very, very bad decisions are made.
I don't condone sexual abuse, be it of minors, or old farts. But until the ingredients that fuel the fires are replaced with non-flammable parts, shit is going to happen, and a lot of it, put simply.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008 2:01:00 AM
Worried American said...
You will not get banged by any of the authors on this blog. You are correct and made some excellent points.
Pedophiles of either gender naturally gravitate to places where children may be found. Many are teachers, scout leaders, etc.. in order to be near their prey. The entire population of educators must not be judged by these perverts!
These perverts may be found in all walks of life, but the majority of teachers, scout leaders, officers of the law, religious leaders, and others should never be judged by the sickos.
One of my uncles was a dedicated and gifted teacher of mathematics.He was a strict but fair teacher and his graduates aced the college entrance exams. He was highly respected in the educational comunities.
In north Africa, I volunteered as an aide at our American school for children of the expatriates working for the 3 main petro-chemical companies contracted there. The employees came from many nations and although they usually could speak English, most of the foreign children did not. It was like a little United Nations and was a 3 ring circus educating them in English. Most of the teachers worked extremely hard meeting the challenges. I admired them tremendously.
It is a fact that many very good educators leave the profession for better paying jobs. It is our loss that teachers' salaries are so low budgeted. When staff is insufficient, replacements must be hired and sometimes persons of poor character and qualifications. It is one of my pet peeves that sports figures and vapid Hollywood types are so much better paid than the professionals who shape and mold the minds of future generations.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008 7:12:00 PM