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Skyline - Houston, Texas

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

New Orleans Becomes Less African American and More Hispanic

New Orleans Becomes More Hispanic
CBS News Online

I have no objection to decent, hard working folks traveling to where jobs are available. For many years my husband traveled to far off lands to work in the petro-chemical industry, so going to different locations to work is a familiar thing to me.

My only objection are the illegals coming here when our own citizens need the work and cannot get it because of outsiders, as the african-american man said in the article. Our people have suffered enough, their homes destroyed, businesses where they used to work destroyed, no way to support their families, and when work becomes available, they cannot get hired on because of illegals.

Some of the refugees were located near my eldest daughter's home and she became acquainted with them. One of the men had a station wagon so several of them pooled their scant funds to go back to New Orleans for work when the cleanup and construction opened up. They planned to live in the station wagon if necessary. After 10 days, their money exhausted, they returned. They said the same thing the african-american man said above -- hispanics were hired over them. People along the devastated areas whose jobs were destroyed complained of the same thing. That is NOT RIGHT!!

I sympathize with people south of the border who want to earn more than they can in their own countries, but OUR POOR and DEVASTATED CITIZENS NEED JOBS TOO!! Inlanders have no concept of what our Gulf Coast citizens have suffered and continue to suffer. I believe in humanitarianism but I also believe we must take care of our OWN first.

Immediately after the catastrophes, Bush burbled about suspending the minimum wage act and inviting hispanics to come and work ---thus allowing contractors to up their profits by paying immigrants a lesser wage, exploiting the hispanics, and kicking hungry citizens in the teeth. He said the job of restoring New Orleans might take up to five years. If a people stay in one area for 5 years, they aren't likely to leave; they will have put down roots.

Too many of New Orleans black citizens cannot return; their neighborhoods will not be rebuilt. As one loud mouthed Republican jerk in our community said, "Wa-a-all, the Big Easy got rid of most of them sorry ass welfare niggers, so now they can get some hard working Meskins instead." Seems like some of the want-to-be- hard working "niggers" get the short end of it again.

So it goes. Corporate Fascism is alive and well in America and citizens can just suck it up.


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