Is America Burning - a Forum To Discuss Issues

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Skyline - Houston, Texas

Sunday, June 11, 2006


News Max occasionally publishes something with which I agree. Usually they publish articles with which I strongly disagree - like supporting a woman who shall be nameless but whose initials are AC, and touting her books ad nauseum. Now and then they publish something that makes me furious.

This time they published an appeal from a Southern state candidate for election in which he airs his position and asks for donations to his campaign. I don't recall right now if we have any readers from the deep south.

I do not agree with some of his viewpoints, but at the risk of being labeled a racist and bigot (as he says) - the usual counter attack made anytime someone disagrees with the actions of a minority- but I do agree with his statements regarding the invasion of so many illegal aliens and the difference between a large number of them and the previous generations of Hispanics.

I was born and reared in lower south Texas and the Hispanics, legal or illegal, were an accepted part of our community; I went to school with them, worked with them, took care of them as patients when I began nursing and their status was immaterial to me.
However, when my husband and I divorced I was left in financial straits and was forced to enter the system as a member of the elderly poor. Believe me, it is a whole different world than the one I had previously enjoyed, and I saw first hand many situations as true what this politician describes about so many of the illegals. Many are fine folks, ofcourse, but too many are not.

Bush is making a show now to appease the angry, anti-immigrant voters but he is in reality in favor of open borders as a lead to eventual One World government, so his present stance is hypocritical. I have little doubt that as soon as the dust and feathers die down, it will be back to business as usual, and any new laws that MAY be enacted will be toothless and unenforced.

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