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Skyline - Houston, Texas

Thursday, June 29, 2006


The Religious Right and fellow radicals, including those in the White House and on the Hill in Washington, are wiping out gains made in Women's Rights the past few decades. Ostensibly promoting a program to reduce unwed pregnancies and STDs, they push the total abstinence practise. Realistically, they have a point: total abstinence is indeed quite effective in preventing pregnancy and STDs. But how do you enforce total sexual abstinence?

Why, by placing the burden on the "weaker sex", ofcourse. Since girls "do not like sex" and boys' sexual urges are "uncontrollable", it is up to the girls [and by extension, the women??] to avoid dress and behavior that might tempt the boys, and to maintain control of their interactions because the boys "can't help themselves".

So, if it is the girls' responsibility to prevent sexual urges from getting out of hand, is it then the girls' fault when they do, when there is assault, acquaintance or stranger rape? Will we hear once again a full fledged revival of that old attitude that still survives to a certain extent : what was she wearing? what did she say or do to bring this on? how did she lead him on? was she a p**** teaser? In other words, blame the woman, excuse the man.

This was the prevailing attitude when I was a young woman; when my mother was young; when my grandmother was young. After a brief few decades of granting men strength of character to control themselves, the radical Christians bring us back to it again. Evil Eve, poor little helpless, innocent Adam. Hims couldn't help his wittle self, him's urges were uncontrollable. By blaming the girls/women, it absolves boys/men of all responsibility and in effect, offers carte blanche for sexual predation. I say Bull Biscuits!! Men are not animals in rut; unlike animals, they have reason, will, moral standards, strength of character.

The radical Christians want girls to remain "pure" until marriage, as do the Muslims. Ultimately they want women to remain in the home, not in the work place. Hello, June Cleaver. Which is great if that is a mutual decision between husband and wife; it is a crock of it if it is enforced by the church or the government.

Read this article and pay close attention to the trend of the lessons they try to teach, the subtle way our young are being brainwashed, as the radical Christians move to place females under complete domination of males. Abstinence Double Standard Threatens Girls' Health


  • At Thursday, June 29, 2006 7:58:00 AM , Blogger Sothis said...

    Exactly why Muslim girls are supposed to cover their hair and often entire bodies--so they don't "entice" and "excite" men to sin. I don't know why these people are fighting the Taliban so hard. Same shit, different prophet.

    Of course, the AIDS and cervical cancer agruments fall apart for married women who remained "pure" until marriage, only to get it from a cheating husband. But they must have done something to deserve that, too, right?

  • At Thursday, June 29, 2006 12:06:00 PM , Blogger Granny said...

    The girls and I were talking about rape the other day.

    The oldest one (13) told the youngest (10) that her pedal pushers were too tight (she's right but for the wrong reasons) and that the youngest should stop dancing on our front porch or in front of our living room window.

    Where did she hear that? Certainly not from me and I set her straight immediately.

    It's that attitude that makes rape such a difficult crime to prosecute. Somehow, it's always our fault.

  • At Thursday, June 29, 2006 12:29:00 PM , Blogger peppylady (Dora) said...

    People are people. I’m no expert on human behavoir. In my person opinion...why it is more important for female to be their virginity on till marriage is. It for reason to control them. I notice female who save their self til marriage was a harder time standing up for one self.
    Plus we always lived in double standard world in many aspect.
    To me the Ultra conservative and religious right want to put us back to the dark ages. Maybe we will be counting how many angels can sit on head of pin.

  • At Thursday, June 29, 2006 12:34:00 PM , Blogger Jessie Speer said...

    i agree with Soothis that there is an uncanny similarity between conservative christians and muslims. conservativism seems the same the planet over. but i would disagree that the purpose of the muslim veil is to not entice men. for many conservatives or literalists it is. but for most women i've talked to covering one's physical body accomplishes goals that are much more personal. It helps one realize the spiritual dimension by limiting focus on the physical, it diminishes the human ego, and allows for a closer relationship with god. But enough of that diatribe.

    Thanks for the link to that article. Very disturbing news. Granny your comment reminded me of studying rape in our criminal law class. It was the hardest chapter. Whereas a judge would never even suggest that a murder victim invited the crime, every single rape case we read went into a deep analysis of the victim's role in the crime. one case even acquitted a man who raped a young girl because there was no physical evidence that she resisted. i nearly wanted to tear my casebook apart... but i thought the law was changing. this scares me!

  • At Thursday, June 29, 2006 12:44:00 PM , Blogger peppylady (Dora) said...

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  • At Thursday, June 29, 2006 3:33:00 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    My generation grew up bearing the burden of guilt,that some way, some how, it was our fault if a simple kiss goodnight erupted into sexual assault; if sexual assault occurred even when there was no prior contact with or even knowledge of the assaulter. Always the humiliating, degrading questions, the attitude that you were now less-than, soiled, inferior to "decent, unsoiled" girls or women. In some cases, the final insult, the disgusting question, "Did you enjoy it?"

    And we were brainwashed into accepting society's judgement; we were brainwashed into accepting the burden of guilt, although we KNEW we hadn't done anything wrong.

    Every effort was made to excuse the man. I can't tell you how many times I have heard , "Well, you know how men are" or "boys will be boys" as if such behavior was --as the literature says--"uncontrollable" and the males "couldn't help themselves".
    And now the Christian radicals want to bring that back??

    Be warned: This literature is being taught in some schools and churches!! Check out the Sex Education classes in your child's school, in church classes. You do not want you girls to be taught they are at fault for sexual predation against them. You don't want your sons to be taught that they have no responsibility to exercise self control, in fact, that they are so weak they "can't help themselves".

  • At Thursday, June 29, 2006 5:10:00 PM , Blogger Ingrid said...

    I am sooo counting on having more than a few minutes but I will have to return to read the linked article. I revisit my earlier comment (hence my lightbulb went off big time) fundamentalism is fundamentalism where ever in the world you are. And the males will always (try to) dominate.. As a very unorthodox, and more metaphysically oriented 'christian' (sorry, insult coming up, not intended)..I think the majority of the christian interpretation is just a bunch of baloney made to fit the cultural and male prejudices. Fundamentalism is very scary and as one who's lived in Saudi Arabia for a few's the woman's fault, even if she's raped. It makes your hair stand up straight!

  • At Friday, June 30, 2006 5:36:00 PM , Blogger JBlue said...

    Almost all birth control is aimed at women, too, relieving men of that responsibility as well.

  • At Friday, June 30, 2006 6:19:00 PM , Blogger Granny said...

    Thus it has always been.


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