Is America Burning - a Forum To Discuss Issues

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Skyline - Houston, Texas

Monday, January 23, 2006


I love my country. I fervently hope there will never be another 9/11. I would hope and pray that there was actually a means to end the war on terror, and that all terrorists would be brought to justice. I agree that suspects should be investigated and, if there were indications of guilty involvement, should be detained and interrogated -- by legal means. that's L-E-G-A-L means.

But what makes a person a suspect? The color of his skin? His mode of dress? His religion? His ethnicity? We've had a few problems with some of these things before and it was called racial profiling. Minorities get very touchy and exceedingly vocal in their protests about that. We agree with them.

But do we agree with the protests of Arab-looking people or persons of a certain religion when they protest about racial profiling? Should people be dragged in, detained for months, mistreated, subjected to indignities and loss of freedom without the slightest means of legal aid, without charges - just because they are of a certain origin or religion?

That makes about as much sense as some bigots persecuting Jews because a Jewish governor condemned Jesus to death. Oh yeah, that's a Jew, a Jesus killer! I have actually heard stupid people make that inane remark. Because he's a Jew he is a Jesus killer? Because he's a Muslim he is a terrorist? Because I am a white Christian I'm a KKK member or a White Supremacist? I don't think so.

Yet this is the criteria our government uses to round up terrorist suspects. Even association with Muslims tars you with that brush. A couple of Arab/ Muslims who were so maltreated by our government still have enough faith in America and our judicial system to return to America and sue for justice.

I hope their faith is rewarded. I hope the judges who hear their pleas have sufficient honesty and integrity to judge impartially and resist pressure brought to bear against them by government forces. I say judges, in the plural, because I feel certain that this case is one that will climb the legal ladder in appeals to higher and higher courts. And when or if it reaches the Supreme Court, just how would Alito rule? That's a no-brainer.

"Held in 9/11 net, Muslims Return to Accuse US"
How many others suffered the same fate? How many others are still imprisoned with as little reason?

Here is the story of another group, held in Kuwait. Just one group out of how many detained in secret places all over the world. Imprisoned for 1,473 days without due process, without charges, just on...what? Suspicion? If their captors haven't established any proof in this length of time, they must be either remarkably stupid and inept, or there is no proof because the men are innocent. This site contains video, live radio broadcast, and photos with attendant info of the detainees. On the home page, click on links in the header. Click on prisoners, click on photos to learn about the prisoner. Click on each link in the header. And ask if this is moral, right, legal? Is this what America is all about?

"Sidelining Human Rights - Casualties of 9/11. Rights, Liberty and Justice.

I love my country. I would die for my country. But I am not proud of the way my country is being presented to the rest of the world, and I am not proud of our government. I stand ashamed.


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