Saved by Dan'l

..Some readers of this blog probably know that I can screw up a computer along with the best of the screwer-uppers. Some may remember that not too long ago I was messing with "Layout" vs. "Template" on Worried's computer and did something that got rid of her sidebar and a bunch of crap and she had a hissy fit. I hid out until she got her stuff restored and forgave me.
I am a team member/co-administrator on this blog, and also on Dan'l's "The Future Was Yesterday". In addition I have a blog of my own, "Ain't Gonna Take It Anymore". I no longer mess with the template on this blog and wouldn't touch Dan'l's with a ten foot pole even if I am co-administrator on both. But, in trying to learn the mysteries of the computer/internet world, I royally f*cked up my own blog. Worried couldn't fix it and nobody else could either. The general consensus was "What in hell did you do THIS time?" after beating their brains out on the computer like the little guy in the avatar above.
Until -- BLESS HIM -- Dan'l took pity on me and tackled the problem. Dan'l has a nuclear explosion fuse about 1/8th of an inch long but he has pity on certain types of the mentally challenged. After beating his brains out for awhile and probably using a lot of salty and firey language worse than the others did, he said "f*ck the blog" and created a brand new one for me, moved all the material from the old one to the new one, titled it "Ain't Gonna Take This Anymore", a title close enough to the old one by changing just one word. My gratitude knows no bounds. Thank you, Dan'l !!
As a bonus, Dan'l even published a post on my brand new blog. Check it out at Service Has Been Restored. At first glance you might think he refers to my blog but it is about Democracy Restored. It's a good post. I sure do hope it is true!!
Labels: New blog - Dan'ls post
I wish I was a tenth of the brain you make me to be.
Actually, I'm a dipshit that lost all his archives because I never bothered to read google's bullshit about new stuff. Such as: "This will back up your blog in minutes" and damn if it didn't!! That, coupled with a new template which was backed up as easily as the posts, made me a genius!:)
The air got beet red and downright brimstone filled, when I found those two options. It was a full half hour before I could come back in here and fix yours in less than a minute!:)
And all the cussing was about dumb asses in South Carolina........
Sunday, February 08, 2009 1:05:00 AM
"Dan'l has a nuclear explosion fuse about 1/8th of an inch long"
Ya slid this one right by me, ya Ole Hag!:) You're one to talk! I'm not even 60 yet, but I already know enough not to knock a cop on his ass in full view of half the damn state!:)
Sunday, February 08, 2009 9:05:00 PM
Now, now Dan'l. You mustn't tell tales out of school. :-)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 12:08:00 PM