Is America Burning - a Forum To Discuss Issues

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Skyline - Houston, Texas

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Re: Granny's post below, :"NBC Debates"

By Joshua Holland, AlterNet
This is way out of hand -- join me in boycotting the debate.

[WA: So the Texas Dem party isn't the only one trying to push him out.See Granny's
comment on this blog "America Spiraling Downward-Dirty Politics as Usual" 1-10-08

Excerpt from Alternet site:


The Kucinich campaign, which filed an emergency complaint with the Federal Communications Commission last week because of ABC's decision to exclude the candidate from a nationally televised debate, is considering legal action to address "the blatant disregard of the public interest in silencing public debate that dissents with the views of NBC, its parent company, GE, and all of the military contractors and their candidate-funding corporate interests. Corporate control of the media is one issue. Corporate media control of the information that is allowed to reach American citizens is much more dangerous, much more sinister, and much more un-American."
"When 'big media' exert their unbridled control over what Americans can see, hear, and read, then the Constitutional power and right of the citizens to vote is being vetoed by multi-billion corporations that want the votes to go their way," the Kucinich campaign said.
So what else is new? Power. greed rule.]

Excerpt from previous post:

"And Ron Paul, with $20 million bucks raised in a quarter, 10 percent of the Iowa vote and a legion of loyal fans, isn't being allowed to debate on Fox News in New Hampshire. ABC is cutting Kucinich, Gravel and Repub Duncan Hunter from it's debate." (from Jan. 'o8 news)

Blogger Daniel said...

So now there is four-way control in America: the Churches, Big Business, The MSM, and the Political Parties pull the strings and the people dance.

But the people, if they refuse to dance anymore, can stop the string-pullers dead in their tracks and take their country back.

It's called non-violent civil disobedience!

Saturday, January 12, 2008 11:11:00 PM

Blogger Worried American said...

Our government has a remedy for that, too. You read the url I sent you about the "thought" police et al. Open up the concentration camps courtesy of Halliburton! Institute torture right here on our shores against citizens!

I plan to post that article soon. Later I plan to post on the concentration camps, a fact that most Americans absolutely disbelieve is possible in the USA. When reminded of what we did to Japanese immigrants and CITIZENS of Japanese ancestry, they blow it off with excuses regarding the race of the interned. Race, smace.

Wake up, America. America is burning right NOW!

Incidentally, Congressman Ron Paul, a Republican presidential candidate with Libertarian beliefs, actually advocates non-violent civil disobedience to take back their country. He cites Ghandi and Rosa Parks as some of his heroes.

Sunday, January 13, 2008 2:37:00 AM



  • At Saturday, January 12, 2008 11:11:00 PM , Blogger Daniel said...

    So now there is four-way control in America: the Churches, Big Business, The MSM, and the Political Parties pull the strings and the people dance.

    But the people, if they refuse to dance anymore, can stop the string-pullers dead in their tracks and take their country back.

    It's called non-violent civil disobedience!

  • At Sunday, January 13, 2008 2:37:00 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Our government has a remedy for that, too. You read the url I sent you about the "thought" police et al. Open up the concentration camps courtesy of Halliburton! Institute
    torture right here on our shores against citizens!

    I plan to post that article soon. Later I plan to post on the concentration camps, a fact that most Americans absolutely disbelieve is possible in the USA. When reminded of what we did to Japanese immigrants and CITIZENS of Japanese ancestry, they blow it off with excuses regarding the race of the interned. Race, smace.

    Wake up, America. America is burning right NOW!

    Incidentally Congressman Ron Paul, a Republican presidential candidate with Libertarian beliefs, actually advocates non-violent civil disobedience to take back their country. He cites Ghandi and Rosa Parks as some of his heroes.


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