Most Important Issue For 2008 Voters
Click on arrows to start videos.
Everybody is worked up about the hullaballoo for the prez candidates. Lots of our voter friends have posts about it. I have a post, too, from the Onion. Thanks to Progressive Traditionalist for introducing me to the site, even though he didn't know he was. Check out his post below "the fog", "Breaking News". The Wild Child cracked up when she read it.
Poll: Bullshit Is Most Important Issue For 2008 Voters
Poll: Mitt Romney Is Candidate Most Voters Want To Get Into Bar Fight With
About right for the sheeple.
Worried: The first commandment of blogging is "thou shalt not feed the trolls.:)"
If you click thru to his phony site, you will see a grand total of one post - which means he's severely brain damaged. Make his life even more miserable - ignore him!
Gadfly said...
Awww! FWY: I was all revved up, cocked and primed for a good fuss fight with the troll (the Old Woman acts too nice and I'm better at the fight program), but I'll be good and mind you. Sigh!
Re: Your earlier comment. And you are my Soul Brother. You're my kind of guy! If you was a Mormon and your #1 wife didn't object, well hells bells I might just try a bit of poly-whatever-it-is they practice. :) It'd be a trip!
Monday, January 07, 2008 2:02:00 AM
Granny said...
I clicked on it too. He/she is just as nasty over there as he/she is over here.
That's okay, my soul sisters. Negative attention is better than no attention.
Ann (one of the 3 sluts)-
Scarlet W. Blue said...
I'm more scared of people who want to stifle free speech than those who speak their minds. I'd rather be called a slut than lose my Constitutional rights, personally. I admire all of you.
fjb said...
Bwaahaahaa, those vid's are too funny! As for the troll, nanananaa, nanananaa, hey, hey, goodbye.
Worried American said...
Thanks everyone again. Good laugh for all - the vids plus the troll.
Labels: important issues - 2008 voters
Gadfly, you are too much! LOL. So apt!
Saturday, January 05, 2008 6:43:00 PM
Gadfly, this is why you're my Soul Sister, and Hero! "Let's take this bullshit in the bar and settle it once and for all!" LAMO!!!! I ain't had this much fun since my Dawg ate my Jesus soap on a rope, and shit nothing but bubbly scriptures for the next month!!
I'm gonna have to switch to Mormonism. I have one wife, but a trophy like you is just too much to pass by!:) "The number one issue with voters is bullshit!" LOL! Believe it, Honey!:)
Sunday, January 06, 2008 12:58:00 AM
thanks for the best laugh I've had in weeks...js
Sunday, January 06, 2008 3:43:00 PM
January 06, 2008 3:43:00 PM
One of my better New Years resolutions was to let Gadfly have her head on this blog and it has proved to be a good one. Our readers seem to really like her straightforward attitude and sense of humor.
Gadfly is rather bored with her Conspiracy Theories posts on her own blog since she hasn't found any really juicy ones lately. Gadfly can erupt with some really, REALLY purple prose at times and way back when I told her she couldn't use that language on this blog, she felt rather inhibited. Now she is spreading her wings and it's a good thing.
Even though we come from completely different sub-cultures, backgrounds and training, I think everyone can see why we became such good friends. She's a great person and a lively hoot. She stands my hair on end sometimes at the same time she makes me dissolve into laughter - like my Wild Child. They are characters!
Sunday, January 06, 2008 9:27:00 PM
OK you hateful sluts. I've changed blogs and to hell with all of you.You won't answer my emails and I won't answer yours.
You three old has-beens must be a menage de trois of lezzies. Specially Worried and Gadfly. So damn much back patting and praising each other it makes me sick. You're all a bunch of perverts.
I'm not scared of YOU. I'm scared of what traitors and perverts like you and your ass kissing friends are doing to our country.
Sunday, January 06, 2008 11:15:00 PM
Well for crying out loud! It's been awhile since we had a troll here!
I assure you that Granny Ann, Gadfly and I are heterosexual, not lesbians, but what difference would it make if we had a different orientation and what business of yours would it be?
We are neither perverts nor traitors.
I do not understand the source of your discontent. Have we wronged you in some way?
Monday, January 07, 2008 12:06:00 AM