Ladies: The Stork Retired
When a group of mothers get together kaffeeklatching, often the subject arises of giving birth and each relates their personal stories. This English lady's tale would blow them away!
Comment: WA: I don't even want to think about it!
As a seasoned mother of two, Amanda Ellerton wasn't going to make a big deal about delivery number three. But in the end she didn't really have a choice.
After a six-hour struggle and with the help of four midwives, her son Shaune made his entry into the world weighing an astonishing 14lb 7oz, almost twice the birth weight of the average baby.
Shaune next to average newborn:
Shaune weighs twice as much as an average newborn
- Gadfly said...
Goodgottamighty!!! When I was in hard labor with every one of my average sized babies, I had some very naughty things to say to my husband. Never mind that it took two to tango to make those babies. In my frame of mind at the moment it was all his fault. Ofcourse afterwards in all the loveydovey bonding with the babies, all was sweetness and light again. But if I'd had to deliver a baby huey like that, I would have stuck to my guns in telling him forevermore to keep his britches zipped! (Except I used a little more graphic language than that but Old Woman won't let me use that kind of talk on this blog).
Old Woman, I see the time on your comment. What in hell have your docs been telling you about pulling your insomniac all-nighters? You're too damned old to make do with so little sleep. You want to have another stroke?
Labels: BIG Baby
You know, I always have been grateful I wasn't a Woman for that very reason!! Makin' 'Em beats having them any day!
Friday, August 24, 2007 12:52:00 AM
You'd better believe it! I gave birth to 5 and Husband(s) Dear(s) never suffered a single cramp, unless it was wrist cramps from passing out cigars and tilting a celebratory cup. I always thought that men had the better deal when it came to procreation.
Friday, August 24, 2007 2:21:00 AM