Thanks to Our Readers
Granny and I are having Blogger problems. Blogger messed up with her posting of the girls' end of school photos and I don't know what other problems she is having. Check out her Rocrebelgranny for the pics she did get posted. The girls are really growing and doing so very well! Granny is doing a fantastic job parenting those darling children. Parenting is a tough job (blessed but tough) and Granny is to be praised for what she has accomplished at a great- grandmother's age.
I thank all our commenters to our fundie posts. David, believe it, honey; read it and weep. Betmo: REAL men EARN respect and co-operation from their partners; they don't have to force, control and dominate, spank or beat. I'd rather have a cool, laid-back hubby that smoked a little pot than a FUNDIE!
Fiona and Future Was Yesterday: You called it correctly. The fundamentalism branch of so-called Christianity is indeed a cult. They (like so many others) belie the very appellation "Christians". Christian means followers of Christ's teachings and , yeah, who would Jesus spank? Or beat? Or control and dominate, strutting his macho stuff? The Prince of Peace?I don't think so, Tim. And Fiona, truer words were never spoken: Fundamentalism, the Taliban and Zionists are much the same, each with similar outlooks and goals, not a hair's breadth of difference between them.
Btw, FWY; thank you for the giggle. How many times have you had to "haul ass"? :-)
Granny said...
I can't speak for anyone but myself but, as a Christian, I'm appalled.Of course it's a cult - one that is too ignorant to realize that what they're endorsing is slavery.Or perhaps that's what these cavemen are aiming for?
Thursday, June 07, 2007 9:09:00 AM
Nvisiblewmn said...
It gives me hope to hear Christians speaking out against "Christian" fundamentalism. I have taken to calling myself "one who tries to follow the teachings of Christ." It's as close as I can get these days, being surrounded by Fundies in my family and beyond. Living in the Bible belt, I am heartily sick of this religious extremism.
Friday, June 08, 2007 7:56:00 AM
Worried said...
I hear you, Nvisiblewmn.I. too, am surrounded by dearly beloved members of my family who are basically fundies. They call themselves "evangelicals" because they believe in evangelizing, but too much of the time they follow like baaaaing sheep the rhetoric of fundie ministers, or their own ministers who have been brainwashed and led astray by the fundies. In fact, they have no real concept of the true aims and goals of the fundies nor of the scope of their "old testament law" beliefs. They believe that Bush is a godly man (puke!) and that Pat Robertson is not only godly but led by the holy spirit (double puke!!).It grieves them that I have become "apostate and led astray"; it grieves me that they are sheeple and being led deeply down a wrong road. They love me and I love them but on this matter we cannot agree.
Friday, June 08, 2007 9:55:00 PM
I thank all our commenters to our fundie posts. David, believe it, honey; read it and weep. Betmo: REAL men EARN respect and co-operation from their partners; they don't have to force, control and dominate, spank or beat. I'd rather have a cool, laid-back hubby that smoked a little pot than a FUNDIE!
Fiona and Future Was Yesterday: You called it correctly. The fundamentalism branch of so-called Christianity is indeed a cult. They (like so many others) belie the very appellation "Christians". Christian means followers of Christ's teachings and , yeah, who would Jesus spank? Or beat? Or control and dominate, strutting his macho stuff? The Prince of Peace?I don't think so, Tim. And Fiona, truer words were never spoken: Fundamentalism, the Taliban and Zionists are much the same, each with similar outlooks and goals, not a hair's breadth of difference between them.
Btw, FWY; thank you for the giggle. How many times have you had to "haul ass"? :-)
Granny said...
I can't speak for anyone but myself but, as a Christian, I'm appalled.Of course it's a cult - one that is too ignorant to realize that what they're endorsing is slavery.Or perhaps that's what these cavemen are aiming for?
Thursday, June 07, 2007 9:09:00 AM
Nvisiblewmn said...
It gives me hope to hear Christians speaking out against "Christian" fundamentalism. I have taken to calling myself "one who tries to follow the teachings of Christ." It's as close as I can get these days, being surrounded by Fundies in my family and beyond. Living in the Bible belt, I am heartily sick of this religious extremism.
Friday, June 08, 2007 7:56:00 AM
Worried said...
I hear you, Nvisiblewmn.I. too, am surrounded by dearly beloved members of my family who are basically fundies. They call themselves "evangelicals" because they believe in evangelizing, but too much of the time they follow like baaaaing sheep the rhetoric of fundie ministers, or their own ministers who have been brainwashed and led astray by the fundies. In fact, they have no real concept of the true aims and goals of the fundies nor of the scope of their "old testament law" beliefs. They believe that Bush is a godly man (puke!) and that Pat Robertson is not only godly but led by the holy spirit (double puke!!).It grieves them that I have become "apostate and led astray"; it grieves me that they are sheeple and being led deeply down a wrong road. They love me and I love them but on this matter we cannot agree.
Friday, June 08, 2007 9:55:00 PM
Labels: Comments: fundies
At Thursday, June 07, 2007 10:09:00 AM ,
Granny said...
I can't speak for anyone but myself but, as a Christian, I'm appalled.
Of course it's a cult - one that is too ignorant to realize that what they're endorsing is slavery.
Or perhaps that's what these cavemen are aiming for?
At Friday, June 08, 2007 8:56:00 AM ,
Blank said...
It gives me hope to hear Christians speaking out against "Christian" fundamentalism. I have taken to calling myself "one who tries to follow the teachings of Christ." It's as close as I can get these days, being surrounded by Fundies in my family and beyond. Living in the Bible belt, I am heartily sick of this religious extremism.
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