A Plethora of Sites
Worried has gone overboard with links for the weekend. I wasn't even going to read enews; I wasn't going to blog; I was going to attend to housekeeping blog chores. The best laid plans of mice and men. And women.
One thing about it, you aren't a captive audience. You can pick and choose, or decline to read at all. If you can stand it, I have 2 more links, excellent both.
http://blastedreality.blogspot.com/2007/01/what-is-lame-duck-dictator.html Very good post.
Every time I grow weary of politics and war, or when my daughters urge me to quit the blog for fear of my health, I check out little 16 year old Ava. If that child can persevere, so will I. She has good posts and vids on her home page for today, but then she always does. Most are quite short.
Chip said...
funny, I was just looking at Ava's stuff today again, my daughter had asked me about it, seems Bush's speech has pushed her to want to make her own anti-war flash thingy... I guess Bush's warmongering does that, it brings to mind all the great anti-war stuff out there, and I have to say Ava's is pretty powerful.
Saturday, January 13, 2007 4:23:08 PM
Worried said...
It is wonderful that the children become interested and involved in working for the future of the nation and in attempting to guide their own futures. In a discussion with a young woman a few days ago, she commented that there was nothing one could do, so not to stress over it. Too many people have that attitude.The young people rebelling against another war (the Vietnam War) helped bring that fiasco to an end. Some actions were wrong or inappropriate, especially the verbal abuse of the troops who had to serve there, but overall they helped change the course of history.It is wrong to just lie back and take what is dished out by a tyrannical government. Our forefathers who founded this free nation proved that dissent CAN succeed.Encourage your daughter to voice her opinions and to exercise her rights as a citizen. Guard and guide her, however. Little Ava was subjected to crude, vulgar comments from Bush supporters and even to death threats. Protect her identity at all costs.It may be easier now that the general public has largely rejected Bush and his policies. Only 18% approve of his continuation of the war. I am not certain of his current approval rate.
Saturday, January 13, 2007 5:15:51 PM
JBlue said...
On thing about the Shrub: he certainly seems to have inspired the young to take a more active interest in the future of their world. I see it among my own students.
Sunday, January 14, 2007 8:51:36 AM
Worried said...
JBlu, wonderful. The young people are our hope and our future, and the future of this country, dictated by current events, is their future. They have a vested interest in fighting for it in every peaceful way they can.
Sunday, January 14, 2007 6:44:27 PM
One thing about it, you aren't a captive audience. You can pick and choose, or decline to read at all. If you can stand it, I have 2 more links, excellent both.
http://blastedreality.blogspot.com/2007/01/what-is-lame-duck-dictator.html Very good post.
Every time I grow weary of politics and war, or when my daughters urge me to quit the blog for fear of my health, I check out little 16 year old Ava. If that child can persevere, so will I. She has good posts and vids on her home page for today, but then she always does. Most are quite short.
Chip said...
funny, I was just looking at Ava's stuff today again, my daughter had asked me about it, seems Bush's speech has pushed her to want to make her own anti-war flash thingy... I guess Bush's warmongering does that, it brings to mind all the great anti-war stuff out there, and I have to say Ava's is pretty powerful.
Saturday, January 13, 2007 4:23:08 PM
Worried said...
It is wonderful that the children become interested and involved in working for the future of the nation and in attempting to guide their own futures. In a discussion with a young woman a few days ago, she commented that there was nothing one could do, so not to stress over it. Too many people have that attitude.The young people rebelling against another war (the Vietnam War) helped bring that fiasco to an end. Some actions were wrong or inappropriate, especially the verbal abuse of the troops who had to serve there, but overall they helped change the course of history.It is wrong to just lie back and take what is dished out by a tyrannical government. Our forefathers who founded this free nation proved that dissent CAN succeed.Encourage your daughter to voice her opinions and to exercise her rights as a citizen. Guard and guide her, however. Little Ava was subjected to crude, vulgar comments from Bush supporters and even to death threats. Protect her identity at all costs.It may be easier now that the general public has largely rejected Bush and his policies. Only 18% approve of his continuation of the war. I am not certain of his current approval rate.
Saturday, January 13, 2007 5:15:51 PM
JBlue said...
On thing about the Shrub: he certainly seems to have inspired the young to take a more active interest in the future of their world. I see it among my own students.
Sunday, January 14, 2007 8:51:36 AM
Worried said...
JBlu, wonderful. The young people are our hope and our future, and the future of this country, dictated by current events, is their future. They have a vested interest in fighting for it in every peaceful way they can.
Sunday, January 14, 2007 6:44:27 PM
At Saturday, January 13, 2007 4:23:00 PM ,
Chip said...
funny, I was just looking at Ava's stuff today again, my daughter had asked me about it, seems Bush's speech has pushed her to want to make her own anti-war flash thingy... I guess Bush's warmongering does that, it brings to mind all the great anti-war stuff out there, and I have to say Ava's is pretty powerful.
At Sunday, January 14, 2007 8:51:00 AM ,
JBlue said...
On thing about the Shrub: he certainly seems to have inspired the young to take a more active interest in the future of their world. I see it among my own students.
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