Vote for Impeachment and Protect Your Vote
"" : ; wrote:
To: (deleted)
Subject: Vote for Impeachment and Protect Your Vote
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 03:43:25 -0400
Vote for Impeachment and Protect Your VoteIf our votes are honestly counted on November 7, Democrats will definitely win the House of Representatives and possibly the Senate.Progressive champion John Conyers (D-MI) will chair the House Judiciary Committee and Henry Waxman (D-CA) will chair the Government Reform Committee. Both have promised to investigate the innumerable crimes of the Bush Administration. When these crimes are fully exposed, we are certain the American people will demand impeachment.But first we need to elect that majority and make sure the votes are counted. The best candidates to throw your last-minute support behind are those Democrats who are calling for impeachment.ImpeachPAC Announces New Endorsements
ImpeachPAC is delighted to announce these endorsements, all of whom received $1,000:
- Sharon Beery (CA-22) challenging Bill Thomas
- Dr. Bob Bowman (FL-15) challenging Dave Weldon
- Keith Ellison (MN-05) in a solid Democratic open seat
- Bill Glass (NC-09) challenging Sue Myrick
- Florice Hoffman (CA-40) challenging Ed Royce
- John Laesch (IL-14) challenging scandal-ridden Speaker Dennis Hastert
- Danny Stover (IL-19) challenging scandal-ridden Page Board chairman John Shimkus
- Stacey Tallitsch (LA-01) challenging Bobby Jindal
- James Wright (TX-08) challenging Kevin Brady
- Steve Young (CA-48) challenging John Campbell
"Impeachment may be taboo in Washington - even in Nancy Pelosi's office," said ImpeachPAC President Bob Fertik, "but candidates from Maine to California believe George Bush and Dick Cheney must be held accountable for their brazen defiance of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We salute these outstanding candidates and we are proud to support their passionate campaigns."ImpeachPAC previously contributed $5,000 to six candidates: Tony Trupiano (MI-11), Bill Durston (CA-03), Jeeni Criscenzo (CA-49), Jean Hay Bright (Maine, Senate), and two candidates who have been defeated in primaries: Chris Owens (NY-11) and Carl Sheeler (RI, Senate).We believe there are more pro-impeachment Democratic candidates running whom we have not heard from - please help us by reviewing our list:
and drop us a note if we missed anyone: also need to raise more money to fund these candidates, so please support ImpeachPAC if you can: for all you do!___________________________________Take Steps to Make Sure Your Vote Is CountedAre you sure you're registered to vote? "Google" your registration at Also find links to vote absentee and to help make sure every vote is counted by volunteering for election protection efforts. No more stolen elections!
http://www.mydem.comProtect your right to vote! Learn about ID issues, absentee ballots, provisional ballots, voter intimidation, voting machine breakdowns, removing names from voter lists, and changing poll locations. Be prepared for the worst!
http://www.protectmyvote.org___________________________________Interview With Dennis Loo, Co-Editor of "Impeach the President, the Case Against Bush and Cheney"
"...after Katrina, it became clear that a lot of the scales on some people's eyes in America were washed away by that storm, and by the federal response to it, and it made it possible at that point to conceive of a movement possibly getting strong enough to be able to drive out this régime...."Transcript and Audio: Sheehan to Take Petition to White HouseStop a War!
Cindy Sheehan to lead delivery of petition with all signatures and comments to the White House at 10 a.m. on November 9th. We will demand that the White House accept the petition, and some of us will be willing to go to jail. Join us if you can.Iran is open to peace. Iran is not threatening war.Bush and Cheney are threatening war and think we don't know or care. But we know the Pentagon has drawn up plans and the ships have sailed.The world needs urgently to hear your voice. Sign and post your statement on this petition.Then join us, if you can, on November 9th at the White House at 10 a.m.
http://www.dontattackiran.org___________________________________Groundbreaking Web Event to Raise Minimum WageComedienne Roseanne Barr will host 7 Days @ Minimum Wage, from Oct. 23-30. The video blog event is being sponsored by ACORN and the AFL-CIO in support of minimum wage ballot initiatives in six states.The video blog, which features interviews with seven workers describing what life is like at or near the federal minimum wage of $5.15 an hour, can be reached on the Web at and through YouTube. Bloggers will be urged to respond by posting their reactions and comments, as well as home videos of themselves and others telling their stories of struggling on low wage work. READ MORE: Singin' Black Crowes and Rocky Anderson: Give Us the Truth Remix
From Central Florida Veterans For Peace:
Listen to this mp3 mix of a speech by Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson and The Black Crowes' "Soul Singin'".It's brilliant and it will get you tapping your toes and searching for impeachment resolutions to promote. What we need you to do is ask all your local college and progressive radio stations to play it, together with some of these PSAs.___________________________________Meet John Nichols, Author of "The Genius of Impeachment"John Nichols' book is a masterpiece that should be required reading in every high school and college in the United States, a history and portrait of the practice of impeachment.John is on tour, and here's his schedule:___________________________________"Wars of Aggression" Video Available Now"Wars of Aggression," a new 28-min. video from the Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration, has just been released. This outstanding video is specially designed for teach-ins, classrooms, community meetings, and public television. It features testimony by: Scott Ritter, former UN weapons inspector, on why and how the Bush administration knew that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq; Amy Bartholomew, professor of law, Carleton University, on the structure of international law that prohibits wars of aggression; Larry Everest, author of Oil, Power & Empire: Iraq and the U.S. Global Agenda, on the global agenda behind the U.S. war on Iraq; Dahr Jamail, independent journalist who has reported extensively from Iraq, on war crimes being committed by U.S. forces in Iraq; Jeremy Scahill, writer for The Nation and former correspondent for Democracy Now!, on the targeting of journalists in Iraq; Camilo Mejia, Iraq vet and member of Iraq Veterans Against the War, on what U.S. soldiers are called on to do to the Iraqi people; David Swanson, organizer of Camp Democracy, on the meaning of the Downing Street memo; Dr. Thomas Fasy, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, on the use of depleted Uranium weapons.To purchase in time for the nationwide emergency teach-ins October 26-30, please go to the Bush Commission web site and order now.#####Forward this message to everyone you know!If you received this from a friend, you can subscribe at:
At Friday, October 27, 2006 2:36:00 AM ,
SheaNC said...
Thanks for all the great links and info!
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