Action Request from is looking for telephone volunteers to get out the vote between now and the November electons.
The link should take you to a sign-up sheet.
We have a controversy brewing in the comment box. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts.
The link should take you to a sign-up sheet.
We have a controversy brewing in the comment box. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts.
Labels: granny
At Friday, October 13, 2006 6:21:00 PM ,
Winged Hussar 1683 said...
I suggest that you do a Google search on and "anti-Semitism" or "racism" before donating one second of time to this organization. is very bad news and it has nothing to do with any Democratic party that you are likely to recognize or acknowledge as your own.
At Friday, October 13, 2006 7:03:00 PM ,
Granny said...
Winged Hussar
Thank you for your comment.
I'll check out your links but I've been an active member of moveon for
over two years now.
I'm neither an anti-semite nor a racist and neither are any of the
people I work with. Moveon has never asked for my participation in
anything even remotely anti-semitic or racist.
At Friday, October 13, 2006 7:07:00 PM ,
Granny said...
The deleted post was mine. It was in the wrong order. This is where it belongs.
Winged Hussar:
I checked out a few of your links and noticed your name featured prominently.
I don't join or comment on Forums; even moveon's and those comments are much of the reason why. I have yet to see a political forum on either side that doesn't attact the wingnuts much as radio talk shows are primarily populated by lunatics. For whatever reason, I'm glad they shut it down.
Those commenters don't speak for me or anyone I know.
However, I don't think much of our current Secretary of State. Does that make me a racist?
I think Israel is not entirely blameless. Does that make me an anti-semite?
I despair when I see the efforts of the extreme religious right to impose their narrow views on the rest of us. Does that make me anti-Christian?
I don't think so. I reserve the right to criticize anyone. Their race or religion doesn't give them a pass.
At Friday, October 13, 2006 7:10:00 PM ,
Granny said...
"The deleted post was mine". I meant the deleted comment; I didn't delete a post.
At Friday, October 13, 2006 10:12:00 PM ,
Winged Hussar 1683 said...
I know you are not a racist, and neither are most rank-and-file members., like the now-defunct Million Mom March-- I'm the one who put it down in 2000-2001-- is not above lying to its rank-and-file or concealing information from them.
Disliking Condoleeza Rice does not make you a racist. I happen to loathe Al Sharpton but I do not use racial epithets to refer to him. I call him what he is: a racist anti-Semite. On the other hand, an Action Forum participant called Rice a "house slave" because of her skin color. The problem wasn't that he criticized Rice or Colin Powell, the problem was his use of a racial slur.
I despise George Soros, who is nominally Jewish. I do not use religious slurs to refer to him, the way the Action Forum people spoke of "Jew Lieberman" or called Tom Lantos "a whining Jew."
The defense of that "I have yet to see a political forum on either side that doesn't attact the wingnuts much as radio talk shows are primarily populated by lunatics" falls down in the face of the evidence. If the Action Forum was an unmoderated Internet newsgroup, I would agree with you that MoveOn was not responsible for the hate speech. Since MoveOn's moderators were deleting every post with which they disagreed, the fact that they let the hate speech stands makes MoveOn a hate organization. In other words, their exercise of editorial control makes them responsible. Add the fact that the hate speech got approval ratings (usually) ranging from 70 to 95 percent, and you see that it's not just a few lunatics or flakes.
If your party had nominated Joe Lieberman (the man whom MoveOn drove out of the Democratic Party this summer) in 2004, your party would control the White House right now. All you needed was a decent human being with a body temperature of roughly 98.6 to beat Bush, and Lieberman would have done it. In other words, is the best thing to happen to the Republican Party since Jimmy Carter and Mike Dukakis. Thanks to MoveOn, the Republicans can put up mediocrities like Bush and win with them, because turns off most decent and patriotic Americans. is "donkey cancer" and it will destroy the Democratic Party if it is not excised this November.
I am actually backing some Democrats for local office, so I am no Republican hack. I won't vote for empty suits with elephant pins on their lapels-- unless their opponents consort with racists and anti-Semites like Sharpton, or organizations like that welcome hate speech on their forums. I'm willing to listen but, as soon as MoveOn's Action Forum starts to talk about how Jews run everything, Jews this, Jews that, and Jews everything else (with occasional comments about Negroes and Christians thrown in for good measure), it pretty much closes the door on them and their slate of candidates.
At Friday, October 13, 2006 11:20:00 PM ,
The Future Was Yesterday said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At Friday, October 13, 2006 11:26:00 PM ,
The Future Was Yesterday said...
Sorry, Granny. The deletion was me.
At Saturday, October 14, 2006 12:16:00 AM ,
The Future Was Yesterday said...
Oh Brother! Here we go again. You can't say "he's a Jew", without some partially healed mental patient coming up with the the tried and true "anti-Semitism". Racism used to be the big "Oh No! Don't even mention "Black!" Now it's this crap.
If this fifty cent detective is that concerned about being even suspected of wrongdoing, then why is he shooting his face off here, instead of contacting authorities with all of his so called "evidence", so they can enforce a very clearly defined law????? HE BECOMES THE VERY THING HE PROFESSES TO BE SO CONCERNED ABOUT, BY HIS INACTION!!!! Why did he throw in the "I actually support some...." crap thrown in? I thought the thing wadding his underwear into a smaller ball than his brain was "anti-Semitism!" Who gives a you know what who this fruitcake supports? Guys like this get really old in a hurry. They march around the blogs disguised as outhouse lawyers - but in reality, nothing but not too bright blog trolls. Take your frigging airtight cases to the proper channels - and that is NOT the blogs, or else shut up and go play in traffic with your anti-Semitism!!
YOU sir, are the biggest [put your favorite race baiting word here] of all, for you throw words around that have a tremendously important and profound impact on any race, like so many peanut shells in the wind, to further your black helicopter paranoia. You are why shrinks were made. Go find one. Quickly.
I addressed this very type person not that long ago, at the very bottom of this post
At Saturday, October 14, 2006 12:42:00 PM ,
Winged Hussar 1683 said...
Re: "If this fifty cent detective is that concerned about being even suspected of wrongdoing, then why is he shooting his face off here, instead of contacting authorities with all of his so called "evidence", so they can enforce a very clearly defined law?????"
WHAT clearly defined law? There is no law against racial and ethnic slurs, unless you actually say them to someone's face. In that case, the slur could be construed as "fighting words" and therefore not protected by free speech. There is no U.S. law against using the N word in a blog or newsgroup, or posting blood libels of Jews the way one such item was posted at MoveOn's Action Forum. It's free speech, no matter how repugnant. So is flag burning, as long as it's your flag and it's not illegal to start a fire.
Having said that, there are consequences for repugnant free speech in the court of public opinion and I intend to impose those consequences on
Anyway, Future was Yesterday, you sound rather upset. Lawyers have a saying, "If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the facts and the law are against you, pound on the table." You, sir, sound like you have reached the "pound on the table" stage.
At Saturday, October 14, 2006 1:43:00 PM ,
Granny said...
You quoted:
If the facts and the law are against you, pound on the table." You, sir, sound like you have reached the "pound on the table" stage.
I noticed a considerable amount of table pounding at your site yesterday.
Trolls can be found anywhere. I listened to you courteously, checked out your links, explained my point of view as best I could.
You are fast becoming a troll. You're not accomplishing much here and it may be time to "move on".
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