Your pharmacist won't fill birth control prescriptions because preventing conception is against his religious principles. Don't even think about plan B, that prevents implantation of a fertilized ovum, because to the pro-lifers that fertilized egg is already a human being. Preventing implantation removes the possibility of the egg's survival; ergo, MURDER MOST FOUL. You've killed a baby!
OK, so plan B is out. Birth control pills are out, especially for Catholics, and for them the Holy Fathers says even condoms are a no-no. So what to do when the pitter patter of little feet are not in your long range plans? Aha! The Holy Father says that the Rhythm Method is ok; keep track of your fertile period and abstain from whoopee during that week or ten days. Safe, no pregnancy sex.
But wait!! Now what? There is a problem...
Rhythm method criticised as a killer of embryos
For crying out loud! What will they come up with next? Outlaw ejaculation? After all, those millions of little wiggle tails are alive, yet they will perish if they don't meet eggs within 48 to 72 hours. Oh, the holocaust! Murder, murder of the innocent.
So guys, the government and Religious Right want to have a chat with you.
NewScientist.com is the world's leading online science and technology news service.
At Tuesday, June 06, 2006 11:13:00 PM ,
Zee said...
I guess I need to stop masturbation all together? My little useless sperms might wander out into the unknown and get suffocated by a damn time span of 72 hours or so before finding fertile ground.
It's absurd, clinically proven madness.
It takes only one egg to be fertilize by thousands of sperms.
So it takes thousands of sperms to find that one egg.
What happens to the rest of the sperm? Is it mass murder also?
Where do we stop with this nonsense and start looking again what the human being is doing - not the egg or the sperm!
At Wednesday, June 07, 2006 12:01:00 AM ,
Krupo said...
Yeah, the newscientist.com article is ridiculous.
It ignores simples facts: Catholics allow natural birth control, not artificial birth control.
Artificial means introduction of chemicals and like (that's why plan B is opposed - it introduces chemicals which expel a conceived embryo).
If you have a miscarriage, on the other hand, it's not like you meant to kick the baby out - you were simply unlucky (or lucky, depending on your goal - but most people I know typically see miscarriages as a sad event).
That article is a perversion of logic.
At Thursday, June 08, 2006 2:33:00 AM ,
Granny said...
Check the definition of Onanism.
I'm sure the wingnuts have you on their list.
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