NRO Article - A Day Without an Illegal Immigrant
An article by Congressman Tom Tancredo at National Review Online: another viewpoint regarding the effect of illegal immigration as opposed to the assertions that illegal immigration is positive for America.
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At Monday, May 15, 2006 11:14:00 AM ,
achromic said...
That was a great artical. I think we have to be willing to look how these things are effecting EVERYTHING that we do. One of the things he didn't talk about that would have been intersting is the possiblity of open boarders. In this vision that I see...... I see us out of debt because we taxes those who work here without citzenship for schools and medical covrage they get here. I see a decline in prosituion as people no longer have to worry about being deported if they go to the police. I see a drop in ALL crime actually. I see some people who decide that now that they can come back any time go HOME and see their families and loved ones. People are afraid of the flood ...... but I say we are already being flooded and the illegaltiy of it is make a slave market .... this should be intorlable to everyone. I don't even KNOW what to say to people that employ illegels knowningly...... are they doing a good thing? or not? I don't know. I know that we can do better and that I feel that if you make your way here you should come on in...... that we americans should open our arms ..... and in doing that I belive we will actually stem the tide as the illision of who we are begins to meet with the reality.
At Monday, May 15, 2006 11:25:00 PM ,
SheaNC said...
Personally, I would like to live in a world where people could cross borders freely anywhere on the planet, and where they could live and work wherever they wanted.
As far as the illegal immigration issue goes, I believe the most severe crime is committed by the Americans who hire illegals. They don't have to obey any OSHA laws regarding health and safety, they don't have to pay overtime or a minimum wage, no unemployment insurance. If they're hurt, they have no health plan or disability options. In short, none of those things you see on those posters in your breakroom at work. Illegals can be exploited like peasants.
Contrary to the right-wing propaganda, illegal immigrants are not taking American jobs. American employers who hire them are giving away American jobs to undocumented workers. The employers are the real American criminals. They are the ones who should be arrested and prosecuted for their crimes!
At Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:51:00 AM ,
achromic said...
"As far as the illegal immigration issue goes, I believe the most severe crime is committed by the Americans who hire illegals. They don't have to obey any OSHA laws regarding health and safety, they don't have to pay overtime or a minimum wage, no unemployment insurance."
That IS the danger, and I belive that some empolyer take sever adtvantage of the illegality. On the other hand my friend that hires one to do her lawn work pays what he askes her for and gets lunch out of the deal....... Is she engageing in slavery? She certianly isn't intending to. It isn't like she runs a company and is hiring people from the coner.... he comes around the neighborhood ask people if they need work done, negotioates a price and does the work. But...... I just don't know. As for this idea that they are stealing jobs..... I just don't see it. I have worked my BUTT off in most of these jobs that people tell me only illegels do. I did my time flipping burgers and being a nanny and doing hot heavy factory work. I don't get it. Seemed when I was working these jobs there were plenty of citzens working with me AND there were STILL plenty of jobs left over for the illegels coming in.
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