Is America Burning - a Forum To Discuss Issues

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Skyline - Houston, Texas

Monday, February 27, 2006

No links this time

Just a quote from our comments - all caps so we wouldn't miss it.


What an indictment of the citizens of the country they profess to love.

There was much more.

One more time. By the time Worried American posts to this blog, I've usually read the same thing in its original form. We have always worked as a team, even when we accidentally post the same thing. She is doing a masterful job on both blogs and it makes no sense for me to duplicate her efforts.

It gives me more time to focus on other issues. There are plenty to go around. I sometimes write about local issues as well. I read editorials and Letters to the Editor from cities and small towns around the country to get a sense of what's going on outside the Beltway. My small city is in many ways representative of the country as a whole. What happens here happens elsewhere.

With respect to the photos. I said I hadn't looked at them. I had seen them before. As opposed to our commenter, it had nothing to do with not caring. It's because I care too much, I'm already convinced, and there are days when if I had to look at or read about one more outrage, I'd lose hope. I'm not ready to do that yet but the photos caught me on one of those days and all I could see was the faces of my own little girls. I believe the word is empathy.

Of course I look at other blogs and as many publications as I can find. We all do. People have been known to link to us as well. I'm more casual than Worried American so I call it "stealing" or borrowing. We're sharing information and points of view.

In the meantime, my lazy self will stay busy raising kids, attending vigils and meetings, writing letters, and trying to make a difference.

I may be a lot of things many people despise but the one thing I'm not is indifferent.



  • At Monday, February 27, 2006 11:25:00 AM , Blogger Alice said...

    You're right. The wanker in question is probably some sad little boy whose mommy has grounded him so he's spending time at his computer trying to make himself feel big.

    Or, at least, I hope it is. The thought that this could be a supposedly rationally thinking ADULT with the legal ability to act as such is so scary it's untrue...

    ...God. Doesn't bear thinking about, does it?

  • At Monday, February 27, 2006 1:03:00 PM , Blogger Granny said...

    A rationally thinking adult who claims to be 41 or so doesn't usually think of 67 as old. They're getting too close themselves.

  • At Monday, February 27, 2006 2:40:00 PM , Blogger JBlue said...

    Yes, trust me, peops that age do NOT consider 67 old, considering we are breathing down your necks. Also, someone at this age is more inclined to sympathize with the struggles of those a generation or so ahead, seeing as how we're nearly there ourselves.

    I had wondered if the 41 wasn't a collective age? Two 15 y.o.'s plus, say, an 11 y.o. younger sibling who has slightly better language skills...? Just a thought.

  • At Tuesday, February 28, 2006 12:50:00 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Those little twerps apparently thought that Granny and I were as immature and ignorant as they are. Trying to sow dissent and drive a wedge between me and Granny? As they say, har-de-har-har. Granny and I are two old war horses that have been through the wars and battles, have heard the cannon fire and smelled the smoke...even had a few cannon balls whiz over our heads, so to speak. We are too wise and experienced to be manipulated by such silly little squirts.


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