Saw the url in one of my newsies and encountered a term I had not seen before. Penises I understand and spam I savvy, but the two words together? (Not that I have any personal experience with the male procreative organ; all my children were found under cabbage leaves. But I studied physiology and human biology in nursing school).
I believe the linking of the words were done by the poster of the link to the article, one Evan Derkacz, 1/13/06, "Better than Penis Spam." Aware that it might be some sort of porn, yet intrigued, I decided to check it out. I don't like porn but after going through 3 husbands, bearing 5 children, and spending 40 years nursing, I don't swoon from shock if I see a nude male. Anyway, I didn't think the newsie would offer links to porn.
Once I accessed the url and saw the article, I understood the symbolism
and the link between penis/sword. And another homophobe minister.
"Poppa's Got a Brand New Sword," Jan.11, 2006; The Revealer. subtitled "Fundamentalists Get Freudian, For Real"
"Pastor Rod [Parsley] is the fundamentalist feudal prince of Ohio...who tipped the Buckeye state for Bush in 2004. His strategy? Warning the citizens that they would all turn gay if they didn't beat back the homosexual agenda."
Well, for crying out loud !! I've heard homophobes say things that indicated homosexuality was contagious if they associated with persons of that orientation. But I'd never heard of transformation into homosexuality if you didn't exercise certain political choices.
Surfing the 'net is very educational. I learn new things every day.
I believe the linking of the words were done by the poster of the link to the article, one Evan Derkacz, 1/13/06, "Better than Penis Spam." Aware that it might be some sort of porn, yet intrigued, I decided to check it out. I don't like porn but after going through 3 husbands, bearing 5 children, and spending 40 years nursing, I don't swoon from shock if I see a nude male. Anyway, I didn't think the newsie would offer links to porn.
Once I accessed the url and saw the article, I understood the symbolism
and the link between penis/sword. And another homophobe minister.
"Poppa's Got a Brand New Sword," Jan.11, 2006; The Revealer. subtitled "Fundamentalists Get Freudian, For Real"
"Pastor Rod [Parsley] is the fundamentalist feudal prince of Ohio...who tipped the Buckeye state for Bush in 2004. His strategy? Warning the citizens that they would all turn gay if they didn't beat back the homosexual agenda."
Well, for crying out loud !! I've heard homophobes say things that indicated homosexuality was contagious if they associated with persons of that orientation. But I'd never heard of transformation into homosexuality if you didn't exercise certain political choices.
Surfing the 'net is very educational. I learn new things every day.
At Sunday, January 29, 2006 1:39:00 PM ,
Granny said...
I'd seen something about this in one of the publications but hadn't had a chance to do more than glance at it.
Quite a contrast between these people and the letter from Bill Sanford I posted yesterday.
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