Is America Burning - a Forum To Discuss Issues

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Skyline - Houston, Texas

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Abuses occured then too but were more easily spotted and rectified. Computer errors can be over ruled by a crooked judge. Hanging chads! Good Grief, Charlie Brown!

Remember back in the old days when punch cards were popular? If you punched out the right circles, you won a prize The person sponsoring the punch cards won something also. When you pressed on the small circles with a sharp pencil, pen or other pointed device, sometimes the circle would not pop away cleanly but hang by a tiny piece of cardboard. But there was no doubt that you had punched the circle -- the circles couldn't detach themselves. I suppose that was our version of "hanging chads". But then, common sense prevailed, not crooked politics.

Please, Canada, do not follow in our footsteps and modernize. I read a few days ago that efforts were being made to fix the voting computers so they wouldn't err again. How wonderful. Or are they getting more sophisticated ones so that the win of the "right" candidate may be assured? Depending on a possible hanging chad is too risky. People kick up a fuss.

Progressive's sevens. Yes, he did but that was a week ago. He did the Spiderman thing after that. I couldn't understand the "scorecard" so don't know what I was. Just as well. As I told him in comments, my fantasies never included super heroism. Never did like being in the front and center position, although I've taken that spot when necessary.

I've missed a number of our friends and readers lately. Hope they're still around, "lurking".


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