Re: the murdered at Fort Hood, Texas.
Yellowdog Granny at:
http://yellowdoggrannie.blogspot.com has posted a thumbnail bio on each of the victims where they come alive to us as people instead of just names. Read her post at the above address, scroll down to the following post:

and take the opportunity to wish her a happy 66th birthday for November 11th.
A World War I Survivor... passed away in 1992 at age 93. My Father.

(Photo taken from my daughter's family album. This is my father: J.L.W. - WWI - US Army - Wagoneer. He suffered a knee injury when firing a Knee Mortar, an obsolete weapon now.)
November 11th was also my father's birthday. During WWI he and other soldiers were in a field near camp digging some thing when they heard shouting, gunfire and a huge hullaballoo. The camp had just received word of the Armistice --the war was over. One of his comrades wondered aloud what was going on. My father casually joked, "I guess they're celebrating my birthday".
The grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great great grandchildren get quite a laugh about the uniform but we tell them it is the man inside that matters, not military fashion of the day. The only physical injuries he suffered was the knee injury but he was plagued by horrific memories for many years. All wars are terrible.
Labels: the slain - a vet
Monday, November 30, 2009 7:06:00 AM
Grayson of Florida doesn't seem to be afraid of much.
Monday, November 30, 2009 7:39:00 AM
not as long as obama is kissing the generals asses..
Monday, November 30, 2009 1:13:00 PM