Bush's New War; Betrayal of Present vets, Old Vets
Internet news posted the news earlier in the week and posts were made on This Is War. Readers who are interested in the determination of the Bush Administration to continue the wars to take control of the Middle East (oil), embroil us in further wars, increase war spending and debt, and add more casualties, check out:
Opening Salvo; Us Show Of Force in Persian Gulf
US Will Attack Iran In April Says Russian Experts
Pentagon Will Attack Iran in April Says Russian Expert
In spite of almost identical titles, these last two are different news articles, both translated from a French post. Grammatical and spelling errors are due to computer generated translations from one language to another.
The Russians and the Chinese have a vested interest in the US activity in the Middle East and their assessments are not to be discounted. The Russian intellegence may be a bit off the mark re: dates, but there is little doubt that Bush is committed to "staying the course" and completing the Neocon plots for world domination while he is in office.
The Neocons display as little war expertise now as they did when plotting the attack on Iraq. They thought it would be a cakewalk of Liberation; we see what a quagmire it has become, with erroneous plans piled atop erroneous plans as events unfolded. Now they claim the Irani War will not involve ground troops; they believe that ship to shore attacks and an air war will do the trick , the Irani government will crumble and the Irani people will dissolve into puddles of panic and terror. The US can then waltz in and establish a US-friendly Irani government. Just like we did in Iraq, right?
They should check a little history. The last war initiated by the US against Iran (telling Saddam "let's you and him fight") resulted in an EIGHT YEAR Iraqi/Irani conflict with Iran at the last throwing CHILD soldiers against the Iraqi enemy. That should give them a clue as to the Irani peoples' disposition to dissolve into puddles of fear. Sometimes white supremacists err in judging the "ragheads".
War with Iran unlikely if Gates has any say
Simply put, the Pentagon chief is not a hawk on Iran
By Robert Windrem
Investigative producer
NBC News
Updated: 1 hour, 39 minutes ago
NEW YORK - Since taking over the Department of Defense at the end of last year, Robert Gates has gotten kudos for what he has done, demanding responsibility for mistakes like the Walter Reed debacle and the cover-up of Pat Tillman’s death. He is also known to have wanted to close the U.S. prison at Guantanamo as a way of helping the United States recover some of its lost credibility in the Muslim world.
But Gates has also been getting quiet credit for something he hasn’t done: push hard on Iran, not raising the temperature in a time of crisis. In particular, Gates has distanced himself from some of the harshest criticism of Iranian operations in Iraq and pushed back on rhetoric calling for military solutions to U.S. problems in the Persian Gulf.
[For complete article, click on to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17836178/?GT1=9145 ]
[We shall see who wins: Gates or the Bush/Neocon babal.WA]
Kvatch said...
A good excuse besides the so-called "nuclear threat" by Iran is the capture of British troops who invaded Irani national waters...
Such transparent political theater. England typically needs no help in dealing with nations that threaten British citizens. The last time somebody pissed off the Brits, they went in with everything they had and kicked the shit out of the Argentinians.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007 2:55:00 PM
The Future Was Yesterday said...
I have wondered for some time, what the rest of the world will have to say, notably China, if Bush's oil grab becomes too threatening to them, thus my very real (imo) fear of WWIII.Oil=Money, Money=Reelection. For that reason, there will be many Democrats supportive of his actions, even if behind the scenes. I think we're seeing some of that right now.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007 6:09:00 PM
Worried:You are right on the money, Kvatch. The Brits have demonstrated that they are quite capable of kicking a** and rollerskating when the spirit moves them.
TFWY: Unfortunately, there are many Dems who are Repubs in Dems clothing.
Daniel said...
Who says what will depend whether or not America has decided you're an ally and can share in some of the oil action (but not too much). Those nations out in the cold will squeal loudly and form anti-American groups.Think I'll buy a horse!
Thursday, March 29, 2007 12:03:00 AM
Readers who followed the scandals of Veteran medical care abuses and neglect at Walter Reed and who are interested in further, continuing abuse and betrayal of our vets check out the following links.
When my grandson returned from his 2nd tour of duty in Iraq suffering from PTSD, Marty on the Homefront warned me that the military was often misdiagnosing troops as suffering from "personality disorder" in order to avoid treatment and benefits. Read this and see how our government betrays the trust of the veterans and robs them of benefits for LIFE:
Bush and the Pentagon's attitude towards our vets:
"Bush administration has claimed veterans benefits are “hurtful” to national security. In 2005, the Wall Street Journal noted the growing cost of veterans benefits due to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Pentagon’s response was to complain that it would “rather use [the funds] to help troops fighting today.” “The amounts have gotten to the point where they are hurtful. They are taking away from the nation’s ability to defend itself,” says David Chu, the Pentagon’s undersecretary for personnel and readiness."
[read that," taking away from the nation's ability to wage wars of imperial conquest".WA]
If our present veterans are being royally shafted by the Administration, read what they are doing to our aging veterans, Old and Useless so Let Them Die:
Nursing homes for our aged vets: sent to hospital for MAGGOTS in bedsores! Other abuses and neglect.
Please check out previous post about Revamping Blog.
At Wednesday, March 28, 2007 3:55:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
A good excuse besides the so-called "nuclear threat" by Iran is the capture of British troops who invaded Irani national waters...
Such transparent political theater. England typically needs no help in dealing with nations that threaten British citizens. The last time somebody pissed off the Brits, they went in with everything they had and kicked the shit out of the Argentinians.
At Wednesday, March 28, 2007 7:09:00 PM ,
The Future Was Yesterday said...
I have wondered for some time, what the rest of the world will have to say, notably China, if Bush's oil grab becomes too threatening to them, thus my very real (imo) fear of WWIII.
Oil=Money, Money=Reelection. For that reason, there will be many Democrats supportive of his actions, even if behind the scenes. I think we're seeing some of that right now.
At Thursday, March 29, 2007 1:03:00 AM ,
Daniel said...
Who says what will depend whether or not America has decided you're an ally and can share in some of the oil action (but not too much). Those nations out in the cold will squeal loudly and form anti-American groups.
Think I'll buy a horse!
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