Is America Burning - a Forum To Discuss Issues

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Skyline - Houston, Texas

Tuesday, July 11, 2006



I have read many articles, posts, and comments indicating that many people are soured on religion, especially the Christian religion. I have read an equal amount of articles, posts and comments wherein people spew the most hateful, bigoted, cruel and evil garbage in the name of Jesus, claiming to be Christian.

To be a Christian means you are a follower of Christ, a believer in the truths he taught , that you attempt to the best of your human ability to act as he taught, and to accept Him and His messages. Basically, Jesus taught man how to live in a civilized manner, to get along in peace and harmony. Jesus taught brotherly love and forgiveness. He forgave the whore. He forgave the adultress. He forgave the people who crucified him, a horrible, slow, painful death. He even socialized and was friends with the tax collector! He adored children. He taught to feed the hungry, heal the sick, help the needy. And to love your neighbor [other people] as you love yourself.

Even if you do not accept Jesus as the Messiah, you must admit He was a great teacher. The Jews do not accept Jesus as the Messiah but they respect Him as a great rabbi (teacher). The Muslims do not accept Jesus as the Messiah, but they respect and revere Him as a great prophet. (Yes, they do !!)

On 5/31/06 I promised to do a series of posts on the Christian Coalition, the Religious Right, and the Christian Reconstructionists. ( ). On 6/04/2006 I posted The Danger the Christian Right Poses to Us and the Nation ( ) Important to the Coming Election.

For openers, please read Granny's post below, "Religion Makes a Left Turn". It's about time. But it is going to take a majority to offset the firmly entrenched Christian Right. Whether you are a Christian or not, you are needed to help save our nation from those who would make us a Theocracy. We must not have a State Religion; we must maintain separation between State and Church.

Because of my views on the CC, RR, and CR I have been called an apostate, an anti-Christian, a Jesus hater, and that I have turned my back on God. These accusations are false. I am a Christian; Granny is a Christian. We are faithful to our beliefs. But we do not follow the fundamentalist doctrine.

This video demonstrates the difference between the real Christians and the false ones who hide behind the symbol of the Cross while they do evil works and espouse wrongful teachings. My old ears are not attuned to the music but I agree with what lyrics I can understand. I most definitely agree with the text. Listen and watch. Non-Christians, it will help you to better understand real Christianity and the ones who are, instead, false believers who endanger our nation.

When the video finishes, wait a moment for the photo at the end. Did you ever wonder where we got the saying "read the handwriting on the wall" meaning an unpleasant prophecy? Or "weighed in the balance" meaning being judged? It comes from the Bible, in the Old Testament. See the handwriting on the wall behind Bush, in the oval office.

Balzhazzar, a Chaldean king, was partying hearty with all his elite palace hangers-on, when the words "mene, mene, tekel, upharsin [or pharsin or parsin]" was written on the wall. Scared him so badly that "his knees smote one against the other." He called for wise men to explain the meaning of the message. Literal translation of the Aramaic words "is a slightly garbled form of the names of coins listed according to descending value, perhaps representing 5 successors of the previous king, each less substantial [or weaker] than his predecessor."

A Pharsin or parsin = 2 pheres, which make a tekel; 60 tekels make a mene.

"Each of the 3 names is similar and perhaps etymologically related to an Aramaic verb, so that the entire phrase may be translated as 'numbered, numbered, weighed and divided.'" [The ancient Jews, as today, love word games and puzzles]. The prophet or wise man called before the king transformed each word into a sentence.

mene=numbered: God has numbered the days of your kingdom and will finish it.

tekel=weight: you are weighed in the balances [or scales] and found wanting [lacking].

pheres=halved or divided: your kingdom will be divided [torn asunder] and given to [your enemies].

The image is a metaphor for judgement. Isn't it apt that such a message should be on Bush's wall? Except, God help us, his kingdom is OUR nation.

Wake up, America. AMERICA IS BURNING.


  • At Tuesday, July 11, 2006 3:05:00 PM , Blogger Jolly Roger said...

    I call the fringe nuts of the religious right "Jesusistanis." And the reason for this is simple enough-qualitatively they aren't a bit different than the Taliban.

    It is a damnanble shame that we allowed Mullah Chimperor into the highest office in our land.

  • At Wednesday, July 12, 2006 9:09:00 AM , Blogger peppylady (Dora) said...

    yes, Jesus taught the golden rule

  • At Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:22:00 PM , Blogger JBlue said...

    Bravo! Excellent post.

  • At Thursday, July 13, 2006 12:58:00 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Thank you for your comments. As I said in my post, whether or not you believe that Jesus was the Messiah, you should agree that he was a great teacher and the lessons he thought are excellent guidelines for civilized living and how mankind can live in peace and harmony.

    It is tragic that the rabid zealots turn so many away from a higher power and from Jesus, and therefore away from His teachings. Too many begin to associate Jesus with the rabid fundies. There were many great teachers in history and most had similar messages to Man.

    As for one of our readers who said he'd rather go to Hell than spend time in Heaven with the Christians he dealt with. I question what makes him think those folk will be in Heaven? Just because one says he is Christian does not mean he is one. A Christian is a follower of Christ's teachings and some folk claiming to be Christian fail miserably in that regard. I suggest they watch the video I posted here.

    I think a lot will be like the scripture says will happen at the Judgement: They'll protest, but didn't we do things in your name?, and they will be told, "Depart from me, you workers of iniquity, I know you not." They will NOT be recognized as His followers but as workers of sinful deeds, and they'll be given the boot. Straight to Hell on a greased downhill slide.

    Kind of like some of our Democrats. They CLAIM to be Dems, but in their hearts they are Repubs, to the core. So, voters, are we gonna kick them out in this Nov. election??


  • At Friday, July 14, 2006 2:20:00 AM , Blogger Reverend X said...

    Nice to meet you. I am glad you liked the video I made, "The Cross". Anything you need, do not hesitate to ask.

    Blasted Reality


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