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Skyline - Houston, Texas

Saturday, July 22, 2006

ISRAEL AND LEBANON; More than you wanted to know.

Fuel tanks blaze at Beruit, Lebanon's airport after Israeli air strike. Israel also struck Hezbollah's TV station. 22 civilians were killed.
What is Lebanon like? See: Site has several brief articles, maps and photos.

What is Israel like? See:

Why are they fighting? Surely not over a kidnapped soldier. Why not? Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982 because of an unsuccessful assassination attempt on one of their VIPs. Plus the unhappy 300,00 or so Palestinian refugees sheltered in Lebanon after fleeing their homeland (after it was given to the Jews) organized the PLO and hounded them with "terroristic" acts. For some strange reason the Palestinians thought they deserved a homeland to replace the one taken from them and they bitterly resented the actions of the government of the newly minted nation of Israel. And the Israelis, struggling to build a nation and settle its Jewish population, bitterly resented the fuss the Palestinians insisted on kicking up.

Anyway, the Jews and Arabs, half brothers, have hated each others' guts ever since their mamas got into a jealous, spiteful cat-fight and daddy Abraham kicked Hagar and her son (the progenitor of the Arab race) out of the house --so to speak. They've been squabbling ever since, for thousands of years. I've always said it just goes to show how much trouble women's cat fights can stir up.

But the Palestinian problem is somewhat settled now, isn't it? So why is Israel and Lebanon, Hezbollah, mad at each other? Lots of history there.

Two views. See:
Israel's invasion and occupation of Lebanon:
Also see:

Just steps from the Israeli border, a nine year old Lebanese girl waves the Hezbollah flag. With Israel's assault in July 2006 and Hezbollah's fierce resistance, the immediate future seems anything but bright for her and her homeland. [National Geographic,] What future for all of the Lebanese and Israeli children ?


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