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Skyline - Houston, Texas

Monday, July 17, 2006

More on the Extreme Religious Right

Thanks to Echidne of the Snakes for her excellent post.

It fits in beautifully with what Worried American and I have been discussing lately.



  • At Tuesday, July 18, 2006 12:19:00 AM , Blogger yellowdoggranny said...

    i like her a lot..but keep forgetting to go back and read her again.

  • At Tuesday, July 18, 2006 3:07:00 AM , Blogger David Cho said...

    It is a decent piece, but I would like to shed some light on why the Left is perceived as hateful of religion. It is not just about abortion and homosexuality.

    I cringe every time the ACLU files a lawsuit to take out the cross from government seals and monuments. It does not bother me to have them removed, but the ACLU is playing only into the hands of the Religious Right providing tons of fodder.

    The Left should pick their battles wisely. I find the Religious Right's apocalyptic quest behind Bush's foreign policy extremely disturbing. People are dying because of this. Just look at the Middle East, but yet Bush is fiddling away with the Religious Right while Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel and Lebanon burn. Yet I don't hear a peep about the from the ACLU or the Democratic Party. They are too busy chasing crosses, graduation speeches and other silly symbols.

  • At Tuesday, July 18, 2006 12:59:00 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    I have stated here before that I opted out of organized religion a long time ago. However, I cling to my beliefs in Christ's teachings and make an effort to follow them, although sometimes I fail through human fraility and error. Yet, even though I staunchly profess my Christianity ( a follower of Christ) I am accused of being an apostate, an infidel, a heretic, that I have turned my back on God, and that I am destined for Hell on a greased, downhill slide - simply because I refuse to follow the fundie's beliefs and reject the beliefs of the CC, RR, and CR. I do NOT think those radicals follow the teachings of the Christ. If they did, we might have a little more love of humanity, forgiveness, care for the sick and the poor, feeding of the hungry, and peace between peoples.

  • At Tuesday, July 18, 2006 6:46:00 PM , Blogger David Cho said...


    I agree with you.

    Jesus told Peter to put down the sword.

    The fundies have not met a war that they didn't like.

    Jesus reached out to the non Jews who were despised.

    Christian fundamentalism is the bastion of bigotry and racism. Some of them have changed, only after the rest of the country has moved past its racist history.

    Contrasts are stark, but they portray themselves as the focal point of God's kingdom.

  • At Wednesday, July 19, 2006 12:29:00 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Their rabid, bigoted hype has driven many people away from Christianity, away from belief in a greater power, and a disgust towards same. I read posts and comments on other blogs that make me cringe. I think these false Christians will have much to answer for in the accounting.


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