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Skyline - Houston, Texas

Saturday, June 24, 2006

AlterNet: Iraq's War Porn

Most Americans are against war in principle but they do not want to read about it nor confront the realities of it.

This post and the one following is a scathing expose of the war and what happens to some of our sons and daughters who are immersed in that environment. This is by no means a condemnation of our troops, but a condemnation of war, the horrors and brutality and its effect on young people exposed to it and to the brainwashing by the military to dehumanize the enemy.

For the record, I SUPPORT OUR TROOPS, even as I am appalled by the actions of some.

Iraq's War Porn

We believe the war would end if the media showed more images of the human horrors in Iraq, yet we turn away when they're placed in front of us.

The Iraqi woman's injury from an IED posted at the end of was facetiously titled "toe popper" on the original site. Another photo (not posted) of a man burned so severely he looked like a human shaped log of charcoal was titled "Crispy Critter."

The sight of U.S. troops kicking the heads of decapitated Iraqis around like soccer balls made Army soldier Joshua Key desert to Canada. See: When AWOL is the Only Way Out.

We recoil in horror and ask "how can Americans do such things?" and then comfort ourselves by assuming "it's just a few bad apples." But is it? Ofcourse there are many, many of our troops who do not and would not engage in such callousness, but some do.


  • At Saturday, June 24, 2006 2:28:00 PM , Blogger Sothis said...

    I wrote a post a while back about my dad during the Korean War. Same thing. The sad fact is that this is what happens in war. The opposing sides tell themselves that the enemy is less than human and act accordingly. This type of behaviour had been reported since the time of the ancient Egyptions. Check out the Narmer Palette at The pharaoh is shown about to bash the brains of an enemy. The dead are under his feet. If we want this to stop, we have to stop war. I don't think humans aare at that point yet.


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