Is America Burning - a Forum To Discuss Issues

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Skyline - Houston, Texas

Friday, May 05, 2006

The Prostitutes' Union

A viable plan to help control HIV and AIDs amongst India's poorest and most vulnerable citizens. It offers real and successful help as opposed to Bush and the Religious Right's faith based initiative aid -- denying condoms and advocating "just say no" abstinence. To these throw-away women and their children who are rejected as the dregs of society, saying no is not an option; they must earn a living in order to survive and support their children. For women with no job skills, no education, no family, and spurned by society, selling their bodies is the only way to survive.

March 26, 2006

By Madhusree Mukerjee

Among the poor and most vulnerable, Smarajit Jana has found a way to slash the incidence of HIV--by organizing sex workers as any other labor collective .


Instant Expert: HIV & AIDS

Scroll down to Special Reports, click on title: HIV and AIDS; short article. Other links below it for additional information.


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