Sarah Palin
She terrifies me? Nope, that's been done.
She doesn't have a clue? That's been done too.
I'm waiting with bated breath for the debate? So are millions of others.
And then, as I was adding "fjb" to our blogroll (under political activists with the correct link), I started catching up with her blog "Not Much But All Mine".
Her post on Sarah brought memories of my high school days well over 50 years ago. I bet the women who read this blog (and maybe even some of the guys) can identify.
Nice work, fjb.
Worried American said...
What I have researched about that woman leaves me ill. To think that IF McCain wins and IF he becomes incapacitated, THAT WOMAN will be president of the most powerful nation in the world -- and with virtually unlimited power, thanks to Bush. Do I think she will abuse that Hitleresque power? You bet your bippy I believe it!!
Labels: sarah palin
Thanks Ann. I had the sinking feeling I was suffering from deja vu when this woman was catapulted onto the international stage.
Monday, September 29, 2008 9:56:00 AM