Is America Burning - a Forum To Discuss Issues

All comments welcome, pro or con. Passionate ok, but let's be civil. ...Pertinent comments will be published on this blog. Air your viewpoints.


Skyline - Houston, Texas

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Top Ten Bad Things That Are Good For You

Beer, Marijuana, Coffee, Sunlight, even Maggots -- Good for us? Check it out!

Beer quells heart disease and chocolate staves off cancer? Though often tagged with a disclaimer, studies that tell us to eat, inhale and generally indulge in "bad stuff" is music to our ears. So go ahead and enjoy these bad-for-you remedies-everything in moderation, as they say-until the next study inevitably overturns the research. Heather Whipps

Blogger The Future Was Yesterday said...

I must say, if that's a maggot hanging out of that coffee cup, that's one bad ass maggot!! It looks for all the world.....well, Gadfly'll get to it, I'm sure.

I'm not sure of chocolate, but some of those other things are definitely good for you - in very strict moderation! As my smartass Doctor said after my first heart attack: "A beer or a glass of wine a day would be good for you, but I doubt you can even say moderation, so that's out."

Monday, September 01, 2008 4:56:00 PM

Gadfly: Maggot in coffee cup? A MAGGOT? Looks like something else bad that's good for you. :)
Your doctor uttered a foul canard! You are the SOUL OF MODERATION!


Saturday, August 16, 2008

What a Wonderful World

A break from politics and ever-present bad news. Also a reminder of what we have in our unique home and what we stand to lose if we don't stop wasting resources and polluting our environment. *(Video below photo)

Earth, Atlantic Ocean view, and moon

Earth, Atlantic Ocean view, and moon by guano.
"Stolen shamelessly from the web

The incomparable Louis Armstrong!

Blogger The Future Was Yesterday said...

That reminded me of something I often think about lately. We're all exactly equal at two points in our life: birth, and death.

No matter our achievements, lifestyle, likes, dislikes, in between, we're once again all exactly alike just as we leave this earth.

As stupid as this sounds, it often makes me wonder what the hell is our problem in between those two parameters???

Monday, August 18, 2008 4:26:00 PM

Blogger Worried American said...

Gee, Dan'l, I dunno. It's a puzzle. Human beings seem to make a mess of their in-between times.

Sunday, August 31, 2008 2:58:00 AM


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Fine Hand of Religious Fundy Fanatics in Our Government

(Cross posted from The Future Was Yesterday )

THAT'S killing a baby?? An egg dies every month a woman ovulates if it isn't fertilized. Sperm die by the MILLIONS every time they are ejaculated. Is THAT killing babies?? Those people are nuts! See the crazy laws they are trying to sneak past in our government and the Shrub is going along with it. Read on:

"Nita Chaudhary, Political Action" Add to Address Book
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
Subject: Contraception is abortion?
Click here to sign an emergency message to the Department of Health and Human Services:
"Contraception is NOT abortion. The Bush Administration's proposal to change the definition of abortion and reduce women's access to birth control must be stopped."

Sign the petition

In partnership with:

Dear MoveOn member,

Can you imagine living in a place where birth control is considered an "abortion" and health insurers won't cover it? Where even rape victims are denied emergency contraception?

It seems unbelievable, but the Bush Administration is quietly trying to redefine "abortion" to include birth control. The Houston Chronicle says this could wipe out dozens of state laws that protect women's reproductive freedom and protect rape victims.1 Access to basic health care for millions of women would be jeopardized. And it's being pushed as a "rule change"—meaning, it doesn't need congressional approval.

Can you sign an emergency message to Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt, whose department is considering this rule change right now? Tell him: "Contraception is NOT abortion. The Bush Administration's proposal to change the definition of abortion and reduce women's access to birth control must be stopped."

Clicking here will add your name to this message:

The best way to beat back this proposal is to show Secretary Leavitt massive public outrage—that's why today we're launching this petition jointly with Planned Parenthood Action Fund. Together, we'll deliver every signature to Leavitt. You can help add to our momentum by forwarding this message to friends.

Here's what some others are saying about this proposal:

The draft regulation would define birth control as could deny access to critical family planning for women across the country.—Letter signed by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and 26 other senators.2

The draft rule could void laws in 27 states that require insurance companies to provide birth control coverage for women requesting it [and] laws in 14 states requiring that rape victims receive counseling and access to emergency, day-after contraceptives.—Houston Chronicle editorial3

The administration needs to stop playing word games with women's health and state clearly they will reject any regulations that will undermine women's access to basic health care.—Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.4

[It's] a spectacular act of complicity with the religious right... —RH Reality Check, Information and Analysis for Reproductive Health5

The birth control pill, the IUD, and emergency contraception might all become unavailable—illegal—as a result.—Brigid Riley, executive director of a Minnesota teen pregnancy prevention organization6

Can you help send a loud message to Secretary Leavitt that birth control is NOT abortion? Clicking here will sign your name:

Thanks for all you do.

–Nita, Laura, Patrick S., Adam G., and the rest of the team


Thursday, August 07, 2008

Update" Killer Executed

Update: Killer Executed!! On article page, photo of the murderer has 1 -2 -3 above it. Numbers 2 and 3 are pictures of the little 14 yr old and 16 yr old victims of this monster and his buddies. This tragic case really captured the minds and hearts of Houstonians when it occured and many still follow the story. Comments at the end of the article reveal the opinion of a lot of people. Mexican prisons are often hellholes for Americans locked up over there but Mexico wants to whine and complain about their citizens having to take responsibility and pay for crimes they commit over here in our country. That killer came to this country with his illegal alien parents when he was a small child and has been reared as an American. But then he wanted to claim his "rights" as a Mexican citizen - a fact that was never brought up until recently in appeals. Even when Consuls investigate a case of one of their citizens in a foreign prison, all they can do is try to see that the prisoner is treated as well as other inmates. Their involvement does NOT affect the course of justice. In this case, justice has been served but it doesn't bring back those girls who had NO JUSTiCE from their brutal rapists/murderers. ........................................................
Texas Department of Criminal Justice

Jose Medellin's case created international controversy when the United Nations' world court determined Texas had violated the killer's rights under the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.

HUNTSVILLE — The state of Texas defied an international court and executed Jose Ernesto Medellin late Tuesday after the U.S. Supreme Court denied a stay of execution for the killer in the 1993 Houston gang rape-murders of two teenage girls.

Medellin, 33, was pronounced dead by lethal injection at 9:57 p.m., nine minutes after receiving the fatal cocktail and nearly four hours after his scheduled 6 p.m. execution.

(see article in url above for rest of story)

Re: Derrick Obrien, another of the gang rapist/murderers:

O’Brien turned down repeated requests for interviews.

But on a Web site provided by death penalty opponents, O’Brien wrote that “Life is a miracle and therefore precious. Each time one is taken … the world loses something special.” His observation was in reference to his own life, not that of his victims.

UrbanGrounds " Blog Archive " Sean Derrick O'Brien: Executed

Sean Derrick O'Brien became the first of the 6 men responsible for the rape, ... 10 Responses to "Sean Derrick O'Brien: Executed" Excellent! ...

Blogger SheaNC said...

It's been so long since I have been a-commenting that I should be ashamed of myself! But here I am. Too bad the subject is not a cheery one.

To me, the death penalty is a tricky subject, because I believe death is better than life in prison. I think executing someone is letting them off easy. I mean, if it were me, I would off myself before spending life in the joint, you know?

If someone who I loved was raped and murdered by someone like this, I would want to get revenge in ways that are worse than death.

The question always remains: do we kill 'em to punish them, or to remove them, and the danger they pose, from society?

Maybe execution is just part of the human condition.

Saturday, August 09, 2008 1:35:00 AM

Blogger Worried American said...

Glad to see you, Sheanc! Good to have you visit us. No shame - we know you are busy busy busy.

It is indeed a tricky subject, sheanc. Quite a few citizens have ambivalent feelings about the subject. Vicious crimes, especially against our young, seem to sway people more to execution. Some of my anti-death penalty acquaintances moderated their stance when regarding this case.

One of my friends advocates "Turn 'em over to the mamas and when they are through, let the daddies handle what's left". Times are one agrees with that philosophy but probably a good thing the law has different options.

I once read of a desert tribe that gave criminals a trial with the Chief acting as judge and witnesses free to testify. But once the judge deemed the perpetrator guilty, the convicted was turned over to the victim's family for punishment. BRR! Some of the punishments related in the article were horrific!!

Texas is known as a death penalty state but there have been a number of instances where a perp has escaped true justice because of legal errors or early paroles - only to commit the same sort of atrocities again. Such people should NEVER be loosed upon the public to murder the innocent again.

Saturday, August 09, 2008 6:41:00 PM


Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Brutal, sadistic, murdering rapist executed.

Regarding brutal, sadistic, murdering rapists

(Cross posted from "Ain't Gonna Take It Anymore")
Some people are anti-death penalty. I respect their views and expect them to respect mine. I am anti-death too -- for the VICTIMS of inhuman creatures like this man and his gang members. This gang member and buddies don't deserve to live. This one got 15 years more of life than his victims did.

Has photos of the girls and a recap of the crime:

(damaged tissue decomposes faster than normal tissue. These little girls suffered horribly before they were murdered. While one was on her knees being strangled, one of the gang members kicked her teeth out. Their last few hours on earth were a horror to endure).

Update: Killer Executed!!

On article page, photo of the murderer has 1 -2 -3 above it. Numbers 2 and 3 are pictures of the little 14 yr old and 16 yr old victims of this monster and his buddies. This tragic case really captured the minds and hearts of Houstonians when it occured and many still follow the story. Comments at the end of the article reveal the opinion of a lot of people.

Mexican prisons are often hellholes for Americans locked up over there but Mexico wants to whine and complain about their citizens having to take responsibility and pay for crimes they commit over here in our country. That killer came to this country with his illegal alien parents when he was a small child and has been reared as an American. But then he wanted to claim his "rights" as a Mexican citizen - a fact that was never brought up until recently in appeals.

Even when Consuls investigate a case of one of their citizens in a foreign prison, all they can do is try to see that the prisoner is treated as well as other inmates. Their involvement does NOT affect the course of justice. In this case, justice has been served but it doesn't bring back those girls who had NO JUSTiCE from their brutal rapists/murderers.

Blogger Worried American said...

There are church members who regularly visit death row convicts. I used to drive a member to visit and went in also to avoid waiting in the car in the Texas heat.Several of the death row inmates told of how the murderers boasted of the rape/murders and regaled others with details of their actions as if they had done a great, macho deed.

One of the juveniles had been a student of my friend, "Professor" Bob. Bob had mentored the boy, met his mother and dined with them on a number of occasions. He said the juvenile was a "sweet, good boy and good student, very loving and respectful to his mother".Too bad he failed to be sweet and good and respectful to other females. Bob was very shocked when he read the news of the boy's involvement in such a terrible, vicious crime.

One of the gang members was suspected of murdering another woman and police had good evidence against him. However, the D.A. believed that the Pena/Ertman case would bring the death penalty and that another prosecution would be redundant.

I have ambivalent feelings about the death penalty but in some cases I approve. This is one of them. Right-to-lifers plead that execution is wrong. These two little teen agers had a right to life also. Their sadistic killers forfeited their rights. When executed, there is no possibility that some namby-pamby parole board will release them later upon the public to murder again - as has happened in the past.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008 6:35:00 AM

Blogger The Beltway B@stard said...

I've always supported the death penalty, especially in extreme circumstances such as this.

Prison is no different than torture in some of these cases. Beat someone long enough, and they'll say anything to get out - up to and including false remorse.

"eff" them all.

Thursday, August 07, 2008 4:48:00 AM

Blogger Dusty Rose said...

I agree with the death penalty in special circumstances and this is one of them. My 15 year old daughter was raped but thank goodness she didn't suffer the fate of the Pena and Ertman girls. My heart aches for their parents and what they have had to endure. Going back to court each time one of those bastards wins an appeal and another time in court must be pure hell for them, allowing them no closure and no peace. Losing a child is a parent's worst nightmare but especially in such a sadistic, terrifying manner must be almost impossible to live with.

Thursday, August 07, 2008 11:02:00 PM


Friday, August 01, 2008

Because WA Asked

Me, Jim, & Melissa with his two youngest (Jonathan & Zachary) and Melissa's granddaughter Angie. That makes the two little boys Angie's uncles.

My t-shirt says something like "Save the Earth - Duct Tape Won't Fix Everything".

Same group with son Timothy added

Jim with his older kids (Samantha, her boyfriend, "little" Jim, and Michael). Sammie is 19, Jim 17, and Michael almost 16. These were taken in my back yard on Christmas day and of course the baby is Jonathan again. Melissa and Zachary had both come down with colds and didn't want to take a chance with the (then) very young baby.

Most of these are over on the other blog but WA suggested I post a few of them here. If you're really gluttons for punishment, you can go to "granny" and click on the two galleries listed on the sidebar. Too many pictures.

Jim's brother Tim has been chatting with him on the phone and has learned that Camp Sikes has a Starbucks. I don't know why that strikes me as both bizarre and hilarious but it does.

Sorry I haven't been posting much lately. I explained on the other blog that this little room where my computer lives gets very warm and between that and the problems I've had with my vision, I don't spend too much time in here. Perhaps when our weather cools (and I'm not writing something someone else has covered far better than I), I'll be posting more.

Meantime, hope all goes well with all of you.

Blogger The Future Was Yesterday said...

"Jim's brother Tim has been chatting with him on the phone and has learned that Camp Sikes has a Starbucks. I don't know why that strikes me as both bizarre and hilarious but it does."
Oh..My..Gawd! I have heard it al!! Wonder if their prices are any lower for the soldiers? It's so hard to get my mind around the way soldiers have to pay for stuff now. When I was in, I paid for cigarettes and junk food - and that was IT! Further, people were always giving me stuff. Airlines used to move me up to first class AL the time! I can't believe what's being done to the American Soldier.

Sunday, August 03, 2008 1:44:00 AM

Blogger Gadfly said...

Fine looking family, Granny. I know you are proud of them.

Gene sent Worried a pic of a McDonalds in Iraq - in the freaking desert!!

Sunday, August 03, 2008 3:43:00 AM
