A People's History of
American Empire
by Howard Zinn
Watch "Empire or Humanity? What the Classroom Didn't Teach Me about the American Empire," an animated video, based on Howard Zinn's new cartoon book, A People's History of American Empire, with voiceover by Viggo Mortensen, adapted from a Zinn essay posted at (To read the unabridged essay "Empire or Humanity?" go to
View "Growing Up Class-Conscious," an autobiographical section of Howard Zinn's new graphic history, A People's History of American Empire. (Click the thumbnails below to view pages from the book.)
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[WA: Thumbnails didn't come through. To view, click on url above ]
From A People's History of American Empire: A Graphic Adaptation by Howard Zinn, Mike Konopacki, and Paul Buhle. Copyright © 2008 by Howard Zinn, Mike Konopacki, and Paul Buhle. Reprinted by arrangement with Metropolitan Books, an imprint of Henry Holt and Company, LLC. All rights reserved.
Progressive Traditionalist said...
Hello, Worried.
I'm looking through the pages of that book right now.
It looks really cool.
Reminds me of those graphic novels of the classics that I would read in late elementary- early junior high years. I would read those things to find out what a story was about to see if the book was worth reading.
I'm thinking I like Zinn.
Have you come across him before this?-
Worried American said...
Hi, PT. Sorry for the delayed response. I killed my mouse, had to go buy a new one, the connection was incompatible with my UMB port, had to go exchange it. I HOPE all is well now.
I have come across Zinn's writing before. Mostly I like him also. I agree, he's pretty cool.
Zinn tells it as it is. He should be read by every American that can read.
That America under the current leadership is trying to control the world is obvious to most people who take an interest in international affairs. That America must be stopped is self-evident.
P.S. My blog article called Saving America might be of interest to some.
Saturday, April 05, 2008 7:51:00 PM