Is America Burning - a Forum To Discuss Issues

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Skyline - Houston, Texas

Friday, August 10, 2007

Re: Post Below

Another nod to betmo for this from her sidebar on "Life's Journeys". I would like to add that saving our planet from the idiotic plots to its future is up to us - we're going to have to do it ourselves by by kicking out the Neocons and their ilk from our government (our government is the global leader in insanity). That is, IF (and that's a BIG IF) they have not already completely established their system of control to prevent the citizens from regaining their rights.

What can we do? One thing, emulate the Fundies' tactics: bombard our reps in Congress and the Senate with MILLIONS
of emails, letters and phone calls protesting issues that are harmful and demanding action from them. Our reps are under tremendous pressure from Big Business to cooperate, compromise, be a "team player", etc... and also under pressure from voters - such as the Fundie bloc. The main thing our reps fear is loss of their prestigious positions in government and the loss of voters is a threat. The Fundies boast of how their members have turned and influenced our reps with their massive email, mail and phone call blitzes. It is time Progressives et al do the same.

I do NOT advocate insurrection but so far our right of free speech is not abrogated. We can post and pass out flyers to the public; we can peacefully
demonstrate, even with just a few or one person bearing signs; we can Freeway Blog;we can send emails of pertinent articles to friends and family (and be prepared for criticism from same - I get plenty but I persevere). We can DEMAND IMPEACHMENT of BUSH and CHENEY! Do everything you can think of to spread the word and encourage action from the public.

One of my daughters lives in the upscale NASA community. While visiting recently, I noted a group of men who had set up a sidewalk table and had signs posted up and down the street bearing the legend "IMPEACH CHENEY". They had attracted a small crowd of people who appeared to be signing petitions and engaged in lively debate or talk. We were running late for an appointment so I could not stop but indicated my support by honking and giving a thumbs- up sign. Several people waved and nodded, laughed, or thumbs-upped in response. It gave me the idea to do the same when my time permits.

Handicapped or not, these are things I can do. So can most of you. Granny does her weekend streetcorner vigils in addition to many other methods. Spadoman street corner demonstrates for peace and has acquired quite a following including newspaper write ups. Check out his Wed. Aug. 8 post. Marty Freeway Blogs, maintains a blog often blistering the administration and the warmongers and defending the troops, particpates in worthwhile activities such as Memorial Flags for the Fallen and Memorials to All .

There is much bloggers can do.It takes little time to do these things and a possible victory is well worth it. Suggestions for other means are welcomed.



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