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Skyline - Houston, Texas

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

New Revelations of Criminal Stupidity

New Threats to the Environment and Our Home:Planet Earth. Our beautiful, fragile home in the Universe - our ONLY home, repeatedly threatened by this administration.
Previous administrations generated hatred in the nations in which the USA supported cruel, despotic regimes, helped overthrow legally elected leaders and ushered in leaders who were more cooperative with the USA, and employed the Salvadorian Option to initiate "divided we fall" tactics.
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This administration has successfully generated worldwide hatred, distrust, contempt, disrespect and fear of the USA.
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It has not only destroyed America as we knew it, it threatens us and all mankind, the earth itself, with World War Three.
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It threatens the earth and all living creatures, mankind included, with a Nuclear Holocaust.
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With the possibility of a Nuclear Holocaust plus the Environmental Destruction and contributions to Global Warming, it threatens the earth and all life on it with a Nuclear Winter, a new Ice Age, or a burning hot earth suffering desertization, droughts and limited water supplies ( some parts of the world already have Water Wars and droughts).
Is there no end to their stupidity? What else can they do to threaten this precious Earth and its life? What other damage can they do to it?

Thanks to betmo for this heads-up for their latest asinine plans. Betmo-HAARP .
Check out her post first via this link or scroll down to 2nd post below for a copy of this alarming news. Read it first.

Our knowledge of the workings of the earth is limited and imperfectly understood. Man's meddling with its weather and climate can be catastrophic in the extreme. It might be a convenience to humans to be able to abort tornadoes and hurricanes, prevent disasterous weather phenomena but at what overall cost to the earth itself - and life on it? It would save much human misery and deaths and certainly afford a tremendous saving to business ( and we know that Bushco cares not a whit for human suffering but he is all in favor of profits for businesses). But for the primary goal of using weather control as a WEAPON OF WAR? To risk disrupting earth's natural cycle with unknown consequences just to defeat an enemy?

We have an excellent example of this administration's arrogant stupidity, lack of planning and foresight and grasp of consequences by the way it has conducted the present wars. Witness this report to the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

Open quoteDivision of responsibility for planning and execution was not clear. As a result planning occurred on an ad hoc basis and late in the process. Additionally, there were insufficient assets available to accomplish the
mission.Close quote

From a secret report prepared for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as quoted in the the September 3 edition of the Washington Times
The Washington Times obtains the final draft of a secret report prepared the month before for the Joint Chiefs of Staff that condemns many aspects of the war preparations and strategy. The report paints a picture of rushed, disorganized planning ...... and a neglected "Phase IV" of the occupation—that is, the reconstruction effort..." [Likely consequences. WA]

We have no reason to believe that the developement and employment of this technology has been any better planned. From cloud seeding to spreading chemicals in the upper atmosphere, we come to this:
From a 2001 report by The Guardian, Controlling the Weather
re: developing weather control as a weapon of war.
An intelligent warning in the last paragraph::
"Today, many experts argue that we should not be tinkering at all with tropical storms because they help cool the world by pumping surplus heat from the earth's surface out into space like giant safety valves. And there lies the paradox of trying to change almost all weather - we are not really sure if it works, and if it does work we do not know what other forces we might unwittingly unleash. "

2nd Source: When the Army Owns the Weather
"The military is not attempting to hide its long-term goals. "Weather is a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025" is a white paper that can be found on a Pentagon-sponsored website. The paper’s abstract reads: "In 2025, U.S. aerospace forces can ‘own the weather’ by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies towards fighting applications. Such a capability offers the war fighters tools to shape the battle space in ways never before possible… In the U.S., weather modification will likely become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications."

Wired magazine wrote about the paper and extensively quoted physicist Bernard Eastlund in its January 2000 article "Activate Cloud Shield! Zap a Twister!" The article detailed the military’s plan for "made-to-order thunderstorms" and "lightning strikes on demand."

[WA: Wired Magazine article follows.]

Another source: Activate Cloud Shield! Zap Twister
"Over the course of the next century, the weather will be our most powerful weapon. So says Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025, part of a 1996 Air Force-commissioned report forecasting the technology required to maintain US air and space leadership into the next century. "Current technologies that will mature over the next 30 years will offer anyone who has the necessary resources the ability to modify weather patterns, at least on the local scale," the study says. "Weather modification can provide battlespace dominance to a degree never before imagined. By 2025 it will be within the realm of possibility." "
This final source is an iffy one to me, but I confess to total ignorance of "ionic pulses". It sounds far-fetched but judge for yourself.

Click on link for complete story.
The St. Louis Arch affects the weather.

You may have heard of lake effect snow. You also might have heard of El Niño, a weather phenomena that affects weather around the globe; but have you ever heard of the arch effect? Probably not. The arch effect is one of the strangest occurances in weather. The arch effect is also manmade, and it is very real.

The St. Louis Arch, a 636 ft. monument on the west bank of the Mississippi River, has stood for nearly forty years. ... Only now has the reason for its construction as well as its true purpose been revealed. It seems that some of the same scientists responsible for the doomsday weapon research in the deserts of the Southwest U.S. during the forties, were also interested in controlling the weather. They hoped to use weather control as a means to aid in troop movement and logistics for the Allies, as well as use it as a tactical weapon against the enemy. This, they hoped, would bring about a quick end to the war in Europe.

Thus, the design for the arch was conceived. The stainless steel structure, while able to produce an ionic pulse, is impervious to any lingering affects. Each leg of the arch is able to push positive and negative ions into the air so as to create a positive or negatively charged field that can ‘push’ storms out of the way. During the day this national monument stands as the gateway to the west, but after hours this man-made marvel turns into one of the most powerful weather controlling devices ever conceived.

Hmmm. Believable? I do not know. But if so, it would benefit large metropolitan areas subject to devastating effects of major storms. Useful as a weapon? Do not know that either but also do not know what advances may have been made since the '40s.

I do not retract my assessment of this administration's arrogant, criminal stupidity but I may be wrong by saying they do not consider the consequences. It is quite possible that they are fully aware of the end results of such actions - destruction of this earth. Why would they do such a thing?

Radical factions of the three major religions seek global domination with several ends in view. Radical Muslims seek world domination and conversion of the world's populace to Islam in order to bring about the return of the 12th imam. Radical Jews seek restoration of the Holy Temple and restoration of every inch of land held by Israel several thousand years ago; domination will bring about the coming of the Messiah (they do not consider Jesus the Messiah). Radica Christians (Fundies) seek world domination, conversion of the world's populace to their brand of Christianity in order to bring about the return of the Messiah (Jesus).

So what does this have to do with destroying the earth and its environment? They believe the prophecy that when the Messiah comes He will create a "new heaven and a new earth". So if a new earth is to be presented to mankind (with the Fundies as co-rulers) it doesn't matter how man ruins the environment, creates irreversible global warming, or destroys the earth itself - they're gonna get a brand new earth. Isn't that ducky? Too bad about the rest of us or our progeny for future generations.


ThomasLB said...

I thought this might interest you: China plans to modify the weather to make sure they have sunny skies for the Olympics. I guess we'll know by this time next year whether this technology is really viable.


Thursday, August 09, 2007 6:20:00 AM

WA: Good Heavens! When researching for this article (again, thanks tobetmo for the heads-up), I read where the Soviet Union was attempting weather modification as a war weapon, and after the Cold War the USA acquired their technology to that point. How many more nations secretly work on this? There are no secrets in war tech. If a number of nations meddle with the weather patterns, what in the hell would be the result to earth's cycles?
Daniel said...

I didn't know 'whether' to comment or not, Worried!

It was the 'fundies' section that did it. Them and George. Sometimes I think I live in an asylum and all the sane people are locked up and get their meals served and nice pills that make them quiet and peaceful.

We who live in the nightmare that is the real world deserve to be pitied.

Friday, August 10, 2007 4:37:00 AM

WA: Unfortunately, Daniel, the "nice pills" do not work on all of us and even some of the previously sedated are awakening to the full horrors of what is happening to the peoples and our irreplaceable Home. We are watching a train wreck, screaming warnings, and the train keeps running off the track. Only this train wreck affects all life on earth and the globe itself. Will there be survivors?? How can we stop it? And what if the Fundies are wrong and God does not depend on their "help" to bring about the return of the Messiah and the "new heaven and earth" is NOT miraculously created for them (to Hell with the rest of us)?
In the meantime, they blithely go about their way plotting world war, nuclear catastrophes, global domination, environmental destruction, contributions to global warming, and other disasters all in the name of power and greed as they and their masters, Big Business, gain more control of the world's resources and a global "slave" labor pool. The rich become even more obscenely rich, the poor get poorer, and the middle class shrinks alarmingly.

Daniel said...

Worried, I'm so impressed by your post and reply I'm going to make part of it a post on my blog (with full acknowledgment of course). Hope you don't mind!

Your contribution to world peace is admirable. You are one great lady!

Friday, August 10, 2007 4:25:00 PM

WA: Thank you, Daniel. Granny and I do what we can. You are welcome to use any part of our posts and comments that you desire and I am sure that Granny and Gadfly agree. Anything that we bloggers can do or say that may influence just one person is a victory. This is not just an American problem; it is global and affects all peoples of all nations. Every person on this planet needs to awaken, arise and petition their governments for sanity.



  • At Thursday, August 09, 2007 6:20:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I thought this might interest you: China plans to modify the weather to make sure they have sunny skies for the Olympics. I guess we'll know by this time next year whether this technology is really viable.


  • At Friday, August 10, 2007 4:37:00 AM , Blogger Daniel said...

    I didn't know 'whether' to comment or not, Worried!

    It was the 'fundies' section that did it. Them and George. Sometimes I think I live in an asylum and all the sane people are locked up and get their meals served and nice pills that make them quiet and peaceful.

    We who live in the nightmare that is the real world deserve to be pitied.

  • At Friday, August 10, 2007 4:25:00 PM , Blogger Daniel said...

    Worried, I'm so impressed by your post and reply I'm going to make part of it a post on my blog (with full acknowledgment of course). Hope you don't mind!

    Your contribution to world peace is admirable. You are one great lady!


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