Is America Burning - a Forum To Discuss Issues

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Skyline - Houston, Texas

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

More on Terrible Weather and Phenomena


While we in the US and Canada struggle with severe winter conditions, our cousins in Australia enjoy summer weather - 80+ degrees in Melbourne - but some parts of the nation deal with a devastating fire spreading across dry areas.

Those US states that have suffered horrible forest fires can well sympathize and empathize with the Australians. People can usually survive cold weather, barring unforeseen circumstances, but there is little one can do to survive widespread fire except FLEE! Homes, farms, ranches, and towns can be and are devastated by fire and trapped humans and animals perish. Fire devours all in its path and pity the brave firefighters who battle it and attempt to save their lands and communities, and all too often sacrifice their own lives in the attempt. Firefighters of the world are some of the bravest of all human beings.

Australian friends: our hearts go out to you.

Those of us along the Gulf Coast experienced a little ice last night, mostly gone by noon today, but our hearts also go out to our friends and fellows in more northerly climes who suffer severe winter conditions, especially to those who have suffered loss of electrical power. The vast majority of a modern population are dependent upon electricity to power our heating and cooling systems. Loss of electrical power during extreme weather conditions is a life threatening situation.

Speaking of brave people: those electrical workers who confront the elements to restore power during snow and ice storms also deserve the title of some of the bravest of all human beings. Handling downed power lines is hazardous at best and in wet, icy conditions is even more dangerous. Here in a semi-tropical climate we do not have those conditions, but we have an abundant series of thunder storms and hurricanes that down power lines. I know nothing about the care, function and maintenance of power grids and lines, but I have cared for patients who suffered horrible elctrical burns, so I know what electricity can do to people. Be careful, guys!!

Off subject: I have an email from one of my lurker emailers who has chosen to question me about my usage of "cousin" in regards to Canadians (and now Australians, to further upset him). First, all humanity is related from a common ancestor and ancestry. Second, Canada and Australia share a common European ancestry with colonists in the US, and as such may be deemed cousins. Only those of pure bred native stock can refuse the appellation, if they wish. Many of us are of mixed native ancestry, but also have European ancestors - so we are still related. If I choose to regard them as cousins or even as brothers, that is my perogative. This is my song and I'll sing it to any tune I desire. Create your own blog and sing to any tune you like; that is YOUR perogative.


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