Is America Burning - a Forum To Discuss Issues

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Skyline - Houston, Texas

Friday, December 15, 2006

When America Is Burning..... is time for sturm und drang. It is too bad that there is so much talk and so little do among the citizenry. We need MORE sturm und drang as our nation sinks to an all time low.

It is true that we need a break now and then lest all the bad news overwhelm us, but we must never weaken nor give up. The future of our country and of our progeny depends on what we do now.


  • At Friday, December 15, 2006 4:18:00 PM , Blogger The Future Was Yesterday said...

    Uh....a dummy here...:) What is "Sturm" and "Drang?: I assume it's the equal or better to raising heck?

  • At Friday, December 15, 2006 4:51:00 PM , Blogger Granny said...

    1. A state of violent disturbance and disorder (as in politics or social conditions generally)
    - turbulence, upheaval

    Type of: disorder

    Encyclopedia: Sturm und Drang

  • At Friday, December 15, 2006 8:57:00 PM , Blogger billie said...

    i agree. nothing much has changed on the horizon. the baddies are going to be and have been working full tilt for tyranny and looting. we have folks who don't give a flying you know what about the environment, people of color or the poor around the world. these are the people in power. they are the ones fighting to stay in power. we may not win but we can fight and lay the foundation for generations to come. "these are the times that try men's souls..."

  • At Saturday, December 16, 2006 1:38:00 AM , Blogger Granny said...

    Raising heck says it just as well and I'll be raising more of it along with you.


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