Is America Burning - a Forum To Discuss Issues

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Skyline - Houston, Texas

Sunday, May 21, 2006


SEE : post of Sunday May 21,2006, "Fallujah Delenda Est" for video documenting war crimes of the United States in Iraq, especially Fallujah. Use of white phosphorus and deliberate slaughter of civilians, including women and children.

All systems GO for attack on Fallujah but delayed until AFTER Kerry conceded to Bush in election -- then next day attack began. Proof that these war crimes can be laid directly to Bush's door, via the Pentagon?

An interesting note: Sites are archived and it is not unusual to be unable to access a site that once was available. Of late I have been unable to access many sites I once did even though the urls were archive addresses, some dating back to 2003. Many "sensitive" sites are no longer available. I get "this page cannot be displayed" or similar message. Were these sites discontinued or are they blocked? Curious that so many are no longer accessible. Is our internet already being censored of highly disturbing material that reflects badly on Bush and the war? Especially now that there is so much anti-war sentiment, his poll ratings are in the toilet and he is determined to start a third war. Bloggers find this material and post it, rousing more anti-war sentiment. I wonder.

Consequently I have begun saving war photos in folders and printing articles, as similar material has suddenly become unavailable. Just in case. I have refrained from posting many photos out of consideration for the delicate sensibilities of the public who cannot bear to see in pictures what our sons and daughters view up close and personal in Iraq. It is no wonder that they come home suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We see statistics; they see the real deal.

It is time the American public set aside their vials of smelling salts when they swoon from having their delicate sensibilities violated and face up to reality. This is war! This is what we Americans are doing to our men and women in combat and to an innocent people. This blood is on OUR hands as long as we tolerate a government who commits such atrocities. We have a great anti-war march and little pockets of anti-war demonstrators and we have feel-goods that we are fighting the war. But these activists are only a small minority while the rest of us pay lip service to support the activists and yet do nothing!!

And for the Bush-forever-hallelujah-and-amen crowd who want to obliterate an entire people because of a minority of murderous terrorists, I have this to say: we've had problems with our own white-anglosaxon home grown terrorists here in the U.S. Ever heard of the Oklahoma City bombing? Ever heard of Timothy McVeigh and cohorts? They are Americans, just like you. Shall we begin to slaughter, bomb and destroy the whole of America because of them? Are you equally responsible for this and other atrocities by virtue of sharing a race or nationality? If so, shall you start the slaughter with yourself and your own family and community? Makes as much sense as your arguments against the Arabic peoples. Get real and don't give me any more crap about "bomb them back into the stone age" or "wipe them off the face of the earth."


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