AlterNet: Frist has lost the plot/ Frist is Loony Tunes!
Is Worried American loony tunes also? At various times in person, in emails, and in response to comments left on others' blogs, I have been derided, denigrated and insulted in various ways. I've been called crazy, stupid, senile, rabid, obsessed, and a fear monger, among other things. I am not sure about the insults regarding my mental health, but I plead guilty to rabidity and obsession concerning certain subjects - the accursed wars; the deaths and maiming of our troops; the destruction of nations, deaths and maiming of other human beings; the violation of and contempt for our Constitution; the eroding of our rights; the creation of corporate fascism as the rule of America; the cruelty of our government towards our neediest citizens...on and on.
YOU BET YOUR SWEET BIPPY I AM RABID AND OBSESSED, OR RABIDLY OBSESSED. But a couple of issues I do NOT place as top priorities are gay marriage and flag burning. I am an old WWII "mom, the flag, and apple pie" type of patriot and personally I think desecrating our flag is disrespectfull, not to "a piece of cloth" but to what it symbolizes and the blood that has been shed for the principles that symbolism embodies. So I don't like flag burning and other desecrations. But it is not a top priority with me.
Gay marriage? I once socialized extensively with a circle of arty-intellectuals and a number in the circle were gays. I was friends with some of them as well as in other social circles. We had an unspoken pact: I didn't pry into their sex lives if they didn't pry into mine. That went for my heterosexual friends too; to me, ones' sex lives were private business and I am aghast at the way people today publically disclose the most intimate aspects of their sex lives. But, different strokes for different folks. The times they are a-changing, and I am tolerant of differences. I believe that government should stay out of the bedrooms of consenting adults.
With all the truly important issues confronting America today, Frist - FRIST! - comes out against these minor issues! Obviously pandering to the Christian Right. ( and before someone starts accusing me of being anti-Christian, I state firmly I am a Christian but I do NOT agree with those radicals.)
Frist has lost the plot
Calls gay marriage and flag-burning "pressing national priorities" . Give me a break.
Furthermore, Frist wants to amend the Constitution to cover man-woman marriage. The Marriage Police are ready with their batons.
For crying out loud!
At Wednesday, May 31, 2006 8:26:00 PM ,
Granny said...
I'll have to go back and find the link but evidently Frist is showing his compassion by performing heart surgery on a gorilla. Hope he did a better job than his long distance Terry Schiavo diagnosis.
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