From: worried american ** Check It Out **
Check out this article:
Please visit The Center For Constitutional Rights
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At Saturday, February 11, 2006 1:53:00 PM ,
Granny said...
If that's true then what we have here is not a Republic at all, is it? Let's not worry about "under God", let's just toss the whole Pledge. It's meaningless.
No one person should ever have that kind of unlimited, openended power; I don't care who holds the office.
At Sunday, February 12, 2006 6:36:00 AM ,
enigma4ever said...
The FISA Court and it 's powers were set up because of a President that abused his powers and the rights of the People. Why are you arguing with these nice ladies here? Don't you think Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine believed that Abuse of Power was Real? It is that simple....Our Country is in trouble. Quaker Grannies have been spied on by the President- that is nothing to be proud of...1000's of people- emails, mail and homes surveilled without WARRANTS...2004 ALL year at speeches- Bush said that NO ONE was Spyed on Illegally without Warrants- HE LIED...What else has he lied about? So Greg stop pestering these nice ladies- there are plenty of Blogs that welcome your comments- but these Women are concerned and trying to educate and dialogue with other concerned citizens. I think you are just picking on them.Which is kind of despicable and pathetic for a educated gentleman.... You are chasing off their nicer company- and you wouldn't want to be accused of harrassing two older women now would you? Thanks for being polite and doing the right thing....Move Along.
At Sunday, February 12, 2006 9:15:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
The case law doesn't say that the FISA Court can't regulate or that the President has "inlimited, openended power," only that the FISA Court cannot "encroach" on his power.
Well, so far all we've heard from you is an assertion that "case law" backs up the President though you've cited no such case law. The two most noted cases on presidential authority to conduct the so-called "war", Campbell v. Clinton and Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, are in disagreement, though Hamdi makes it pretty clear that the AUMF is not, in the court's words, "...a blank check". FISA, on the other hand, is quite specific and grants no exemption to the President.
In addition, it's pretty clear that Congress didn't feel that AUMF granted the President unrestrained authority either, especially not w.r.t. the FISA statute, which was specifically discussed in the congressional debate on the 14 of September.
Bush administration arguments that they needed to bypass FISA because demonstrating probable cause was too burdensome (General Hayden's specific assertion) don't hold water either. The non-partisan Congressional Research Service, as well as a group of 14 noted congressional scholars, are in agreement that the administration argument, has no merit. And apparently even the Bush administration doesn't believe their own argument, since they defended the current requirements in the face of the proposed DeWine amendment (would have scrapped the probable cause requirement) in 2002.
So Greg, do you actually have something substantive to say? Or are you just trolling in order to build up an audience for your new blog?
At Sunday, February 12, 2006 12:14:00 PM ,
Unknown said...
He is just trolling. He hasn't seemed to figure out that we don't mess with right wing blogs & they, for the most part, don't mess with ours.
Another thing you'll learn about Greg is that he can't respond when confronted with facts that oppose his points of view. He has to resort to worthless right wing rhetoric and name calling.
Engima gives him too much credit for being "an educated gentleman". As a person who received a good, well-rounded education, I can tell you that is one thing he is not. He may present himself that way, but if he actually does have a degree, he needs to ask for his money back because they didn't teach him anything about critical thinking, politics, or history.
He also likes to salt his comments with "fancy" words. It's too bad he doesn't know what most of them mean, so it's funny when he uses them out of context. I have taken the trouble to point this out to him on one occasion.
If you actually go to his blog, you will find that it's a veritable wonder land for every logical fallacy known to humanity, that he doesn't support anything with evidence, and that he doesn't think before he posts. I suspect he's just snatching onto bits that he hears on that wonderful source of reliable, unbiased information Fox News and doesn't bother with the context. He is basically just a mouthpiece for GWB and those two wonderfully intelligent men, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity, that espouse their views nightly on Fox News and get paid way too much money for doing it. Of course, though, we all know the right wing would rather pay them or buy weapons than actually do anything constructive for our country. Greg wouldn't have it any other way.
At Monday, February 13, 2006 6:36:00 AM ,
Granny said...
Worried american
kvatch and elizabeth green both commented here. kvatch is new and probably the one you couldn't locate.
When the email comes in, clicking on their username at the bottom will generally take you to the post they commented on.
Try it with this one. It should say granny at the bottom.
At Tuesday, February 14, 2006 11:11:00 AM ,
Unknown said...
Greg, I think you have dragged out a lot of dirty laundry here that is not in response to the comments that I made on this blog. If you have issues with me, by all means, air your thoughts, but don't do it on this blog because other people may not be interested you making it the forum for our disagreement. As you will notice, most of the things you have pointed out were said at YOUR blog, not on someone else's. You could at least show Granny & Worried that courtesy. BTW, I like the way you made use of the copy & paste feature to put the same comments on my blog--nice touch.
As for insulting opposing points of view, Greg, my dear, that's what YOU are doing. I am perfectly capable of using logic, reason, and examples. Actually, Greg, I think the "unhinged" comment is funny. It's like the pot calling the kettle black. I don't think there's anyone in America who hasn't thought the present administration was unhinged at some point.
I am just fed up with your trolling. If you don't agree with us (meaning all the people whose blogs you have been trolling upon), why don't you go to the blogs of people who agree with your views. There is certainly no chance that you will reform or convert us.
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