In Debt? Be Glad You Don't Live in the Times of the Roman Empire
From The Nation today
We, as a nation, are spending more than we earn.
Of course we, as a government, has dug us so deep we may never climb out but the article is discussing individual spending.
Interesting and a change from the other topics lately.
We, as a nation, are spending more than we earn.
Of course we, as a government, has dug us so deep we may never climb out but the article is discussing individual spending.
Interesting and a change from the other topics lately.
At Saturday, January 21, 2006 11:52:00 PM ,
Gary said...
Yikes! I'm glad VISA can't cut me to pieces... but the overwhelming debt is pretty amazing. We've had 10 years of surplus budgets in Canada - a real feat. I guess if we had 700 bases in foreign countries, a war to run and rich folks to keep rich, we might be in debt too.
Time to tighten the belt and focus on home? Maybe there's still time (for individuals and the nation).
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