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Skyline - Houston, Texas

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

FW: Momdeliveringthecake.wmv

For privacy reasons, she shall remain nameless. :-D

--- On Tue, 3/10/09, (deleted)
From: (deleted)
Subject: FW: Momdeliveringthecake.wmv
To: (deleted)
Date: Tuesday, March 10, 2009, 6:53 AM


Blogger The Future Was Yesterday said...

This is one of those things that are hilarious ONLY if they didn't happen to "you.":)

Saturday, March 14, 2009 2:27:00 AM

Right on! I usually do not care for humor that involved humiliation, but I can
relate so well to what happened to this woman that I must chuckle in bemusment.
Once when I went with my daughter to the airport in a driving rainstorm, I got out
of the passenger seat to take the driver's seat to drive home, the wind blew my
skirt up over my bosom. I was spotlighted in all my old woman panties and bra
semi nudity by the headlights of the cars lined up behind us. I did NOT laugh at the
time but after a certain passage of time, I saw the humor in it from the standpoint
of my audience. Sometimes we must laugh at ourselves.



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